She wanted to know more.
What did I mean about this power of yes? What was I talking about? She wasn’t the only one. I heard from many of you who asked the same question.
What was I talking about in my post "The Undeniable Power of Yes"?
So we’re going back. To answer that question for the rest of us.
For those of you who got the message and for whom it was crystal clear, I’d love for you to share how it felt for you.
But for those of you who didn’t understand or weren’t clear, this is the message I had and still very much have for you.
We can say yes, we’re ready to do something different, that we’re ready to try something else, to look somewhere different, to see things in a different light. But there is a world of difference between saying we’re going to, or deciding to when we haven’t come to the place where we’re actually ready to do it.
It’s the difference between paying lip service to something and actually going all in.
It’s the difference between deciding with our heads and choosing with out hearts.
It’s bringing our souls along. It’s going all out.
It’s when we truly realize we have nothing left to lose because we’ve lost everything already, and putting that kind of passion into something.
I’ve sat on the sidelines for so much of my life, going through spurts of those “yes” moments, but living mostly on the side.
Waiting for something – anything – to change. Waiting for something – anything – to give.
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
What I’ve learned is that waiting doesn’t change anything. Waiting doesn’t move those mountains that you’ve already decided are impossible to move so why even try. Waiting doesn’t change how you feel.
It keeps you stuck, it keeps you doing the same things over and over again, hoping by some miracle the next time will be different.
Nothing changes because we don’t change.
We don’t shift. We don’t choose to see things differently.
Until we do.
Until we see that it’s not about the seismic changes that move those mountains all at once, but it’s in those small, seemingly inconsequential movements that will never move those mountains all at once, but WILL move them one scoopful at a time.
We don’t want that. So we don’t even try.
We want the whole package right now, or why bother to try? We look at the years we’ve already invested in one guy. We look at the time that’s already passed as we fought so hard to make something work that we would have been better off letting go and starting over with another in that same amount of time.
But at the time, it never feels that way. Keeping on doing the same thing seems easier than the alternative.
And so we do just that.
Until we’ve done it so many times, it doesn’t work anymore. Until we can’t. Until we’re so low, we’re willing to try anything different.
This is the power of saying yes when it actually means something more than what it has in the past. This is when we’re ready to make those changes.
This is when I say "Welcome to the undeniable power of yes".
Rarely is it a yes backed with this kind of power until we’ve reached the end of our rope. Rarely is it a yes supported by the kind of passion that makes everything possible until we’ve been to hell and back. Rarely is it a yes full of excitement and enthusiasm.
More often it's a yes full of a deep sense of knowing that it can only be that kind of yes.
Is there really any other kind that has this kind of power? This is what I’m talking about here, and this is what I want you to understand.
It’s the kind that finds us on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night, sick of where we are, so tired of what we’ve allowed someone to become to us.
Ready for something more.
Yes, Beautiful. This is where you choose you. This is where you pick yourself up off that floor, dust yourself off, and refuse to be held down there anymore. This is where you break free of your chains, where you rise up once more, and choose with a resounding yes, YOU.
This is your time right now. Go get on with the business of living, of loving, of creating that life you always knew was your birthright. Your time is now. You've got your yes. You've got the power behind it. All that's left is for you to decide what you want to do with it!
How about you, Beautiful? Is it your time? I know you've been through so much already. Are you ready to find out what's possible now?
Share what you're going to stop waiting for and start living for in the comments below!
Thank you Jane to answer your question I'm crystal clear I haven't come to that place to see things in a different light still living on the side lines waiting for something to give I am not sure the answer is not a yes
Thank you for this Jane. It is absolutely my truth right now as I approach my 50 th Birthday. Every fibre of my being wants to break free from my old patterns of not feeling worthy or good enough. Done! YES to the next chapter. My only dilemma is I don't know WHAT to do that will fill my cup. This causes great stress - if I knew what to focus on - I would. But I don't and I'm aware time is ticking away....
Thank you so much for all the advices and now I feel stronger and ready for POWERFUL YES for 4 months strugglingto let go of a person whom I initiated love but he didn't want a relationship just wanted sex with me!
Hello Jane,
Thanks again for always touching and encouraging me with your profound messages! I have finally said YES to me now and soon will be 50 years old. Don't know why it took so long with so much pain, frustrations, heartache and loneliness to come to this decision but I'm here now. You have helped in such a major way and I look forward to trying one of your programs soon. I'm ready to invest in myself first and do whatever it takes to have physical health and emotional balance. I've invested so much time, monies and efforts into pursuing men that I wanted but didn't want me for a committed relationship for the long haul. It was always temporal and convenient to them. I never felt worthy of their love just being myself. Had to always show and prove myself and go out of my own way which never worked. I will live, love and have a full life according to my needs, wants and desires. I'm coming out and it's my turn now to live my life and love myself.
I'm going to stop waiting for Mr. Right to "show up." I've already stopped waiting for everything else. I got in shape, picked up my music again, got in the right job, eliminated negative people from my life. I feel at peace EXCEPT for the one thing I still feel is missing...my true love, my other half, my partner. Lord knows I've tried, but in this case it's time to stop trying & just let go & live MY best life. This is a difficult concept for me as my OLD self could never stop trying to CONTROL every situation. I've stopped trying to control & just accept life as it comes and in the meantime I'm just getting out there enjoying MY life without expecting HIM to show up. I've done the "Getting to True Love" program (about 6 mos ago) and continue to apply the lessons; I think without it, I'd have still been in the same place I was for MANY years. Thank you Jane Garapick for putting things in perspective & giving me that boost. <3
I have nothing else to comment because Marguerite said all I'm feeling right now! We're on the same page...