When we’ve tried again and again and it still hasn’t worked, when we’re so tired of having to explain why it happened again to the same people we had told this time was different, it’s hard to feel passionate about anything.
And yet this is what love and life asks of us.
Are we sure? Is this what we really want?
There are few actions we can choose to take that will elicit the power of everything around us more than the power of saying “yes.”
Far too often we find ourselves saying “I guess so” or “maybe” out of fear, out of uncertainty or out of our need to know the end result first before diving in.
Our first reaction may be indignation or even anger at even the suggestion that we might not know what we want or be sure enough.
Of course we do! Is our response. You think I’ve been here trying and trying and trying to find love, to find that special someone, and that it’s somehow my fault for not knowing strongly enough that this is what I want?
Of course this is how you feel; how can you not feel this way? After all that you’ve been through, after doing everything right, after following every rule, after doing everything you were supposed to do.
You have a record of every "yes" you’ve said, every invitation you accepted, every chance you’ve ever taken in the name of love. Your record is long; your memory razor sharp. If there’s one thing you’ve been, it’s been passionate about what you want. Real love.
You have a ready list of your must-haves, your secondary list of nice-to-haves, and then your deal breakers. It’s all in there, fine-tuned over the years with every heart-break, every time it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to.
Yes, you breathe, I know how to say “yes.”
And in the next breath, you wonder what could be different about saying another kind of “yes.” Because the “yes” I’m talking about isn’t about accepting one more invite or proving that you’ve now officially tried everything. It's not about proving to yourself you've got nothing to lose.
This is the “yes” that comes after trying everything else. From striving so hard to reach the seemingly unobtainable goal. From trying to stay so positive to reach a bar that seems to keep moving out of reach.
And so with smiles, with enthusiasm, with all the passion you could muster, you’ve said those yeses to the world, to God, to the Universe, to everyone and anyone who might question your utmost intent. It's time for a different kind of "yes".
Hello to the "yes" from the cold bathroom floor. From the dark end of the night when you’re going home alone, again. From the last to be picked to the still hoping to be chosen.
Hello to the power of "yes" when it comes from the last time you swore you’d never try anything ever again.
There’s something about that kind of "yes", Beautiful. The one that calls to you through your tears. The one that comes to you in the middle of another sleepless night.
That kind of "yes".
There’s a power in that one you can’t imagine. It unleashes a type of power you’ve never seen.
When it seems the darkest, when there’s no hope to be found. When you’re riding blind without any semblance of hope in sight. It finds you.
It’s barely audible for most of us. In fact, that’s how we know it’s the one.
So quiet. So silent.
We’d have missed it if we had any kind of hearts other than the ones we have.
Listen for it. Hear it. It finds us when we can’t bear the thought of trying one more thing. Of going one more place. Of believing it could possibly be different with a word.
Yes. Just yes. For you..
How about you, Beautiful? What are you going to say "Yes!" to? Share it with us in the comments below!
Yes to all that I don't understand and may never understand because it isn't meant to be understood but to exist so that I can learn and grow despite not understanding. Yes to the beautiful mystery of being alive, to having survived all that I have survived, and to being open to Love
Thank you for asking (-:
A thousand times yes to every one of your words here, Ella. Thank you!
Tears Jane, TEARS! I don't think you could ever have been deeper into my head than you have on this post!
I can't wait for our talk this week !!
I knew there was someone I was writing to. 🙂 Thank you. You touch me deeply, Sandra. Me, too!
I think I've said yes to the letting it all go recently and oddly enough, it feels like I don't want to be in a relationship anymore. It's somewhat strange because it feels like that's where my body was all along, I just kept forcing it to want to follow the script and look for someone.
Maybe I've read so much that I no longer believe I was made for relationships. But somehow it doesn't hurt as much as it used to when I think that. It's just so strange this place I'm at lately. But I kinda like this idea of being complete and free and just my own everything. It's dawned on me that I'm all I've got and it's not so bad.
Not so bad at all, Angel. I'm staying curious for you. 🙂
Thank you Jane.
Thank you, Judith. So glad you're here!
I will say "yes" to remaining open to love filled relationships
Echoing that "yes" right there with you, Angela. Thanks for being here!
It's been hard and difficult to finally change your views about what you really want from a man in a relationship. Your course has helped me so much. I just finished it and everyday I'm asking my PA for my ideal man. It's always easy to fall back into old habits of looking for someone that isn't right for us. But I feel that's when the real work starts. When you finally realize those guys in the past aren't right for you. And the search for the new, right guy improves. So far it's been difficult weeding out man, but I know the universe will bring the right guy for me when I'm ready. Thanks for everything Jane.
Oh this is so true, Nett. This is absolutely the real work. Our old habits, our old ways of thinking that we never even realized were there subconsciously dictating our moves, these are the ones that create such change with just a shift. Thank you for being here, for saying "yes" to you. I'm so glad my course has been such a help to you!