Our letter this week comes from one of our beautiful readers from around the world, Ilyana. She's confused about her ex and her current boyfriend who used to be her ex and what to do with both of them. See if you can guess what my advice to her is going to be!
Hi Jane,
Sorry my English is not so good. But so, I wanted to ask you something.
I'm in a relationship and with this guy I'm in a relationship with, I had a break up 4 months ago up because I thought I felt in love with another guy who is my colleague and we work together but I broke up with him too because he was so jealous and he made me cry.
He wanted to know my past how many boyfriends I had and I thought I was not good enough for him. Then I decided to leave him but he kept calling me and he texts me and now I feel so confused because I'm back with my ex.Continue Reading
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