Our beautiful friend Julie is going through an age old problem so many of us have encountered before; the guy who wants all the "benefits" but doesn't want the relationship!
Here's her email:
Hi there, I am not a younger lady, I'm a mature 56 year old and never needed an answer to a personal matter before!
I have been friends with a man for 3 years now and nothing but friends, going for drinks and a meal, to a meal at his. No hugs or a peck goodbye until about 2 months ago we became friends with benefits!
We have always texted mostly daily throughout the 3 years, mostly him first.
I started to have feelings 18 months ago but never told him. Since the friends with benefits started, my feelings have become stronger and I couldn't hide it from him! He likes me very much and we really get on but he doesn't want anything more, like a relationship!
I have backed off and he's still trying me, asking what I'm doing or what have I done and have a nice day but I haven’t replied!Continue Reading
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