Our letter this week comes from our gorgeous friend, Jade, as she tells us the story of her rocky relationship with a disappearing guy.
Her letter:
Before I ask my question, I want to give you a background story.
I've been with this guy for almost 3 years now. We've had ups and down the first year, but that's normal. But then came the twist.
Around January 2015 he left to boot camp, everything seemed okay after 3 months of not hearing from him, but then around August of last year, he left to North Carolina for school (Military) and he changed.
He stopped calling me and texting me, I caught him flirting with women on social media, he deleted photos of us, he would tell those women how he felt for them, (ex: "I find you really pretty...") and so on.
He would then tell me how annoying I was and clingy, take in mind that we were in a long distant relationship.Continue Reading
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