Our beautiful friend, Hope, is feeling like she blew it with a guy who she thinks was "the one", and she's wondering if she'll ever have another chance.
Here's her story:
Hi Jane,
Thank you, I wish I had seen these videos a few weeks back but I am definitely going to follow your advice going forward.
I do have a question though, I recently met a guy and I was very attracted to him, he had the look that I wanted and he seemed like a good guy. I wanted so much for it to work, but I scared him away, by being the pursuer and as you said being too excited and putting him on a pedestal.
He told me he didn't have time right now to be involved with anyone.
Hoping to leave the door open, I told him I understood and he could contact me if he wanted to. I guess I'm wondering if I had not acted so anxious and had followed your advice if he would have acted differently and if things could have worked out.
I feel it was all my fault.Continue Reading
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