It's the 21st century. A most confusing time when it comes to the age-old question of "Can I call him or do I have to wait for him to call me?"
And I know you've been overwhelmed with so many different answers to that one question. Everyone seems to have a different answer for you, with different reasons to back them up and different way of letting you know. But behind all this confusion, lies a simple basic truth that has always been the same, that will never change regardless of what our culture chooses to do.
If you call him or text him when you haven't heard from him, it won't change the way he feels about you, it won't change whether or not he was going to call you anyway.
But it will change you.
Because there's something we do with ambiguous situations like this. We go to our #1 go-to place - that place known as "overthinking".
The one where we question whether we shouldn't have said something. Or if we should have said something else instead of what we did say. Where we get hung up on what he thought, or what his response (or non-response) meant.
Where we blame ourselves completely for what we should have known. Or for even calling or texting him at all.
This is what changes us! Continue Reading
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