One of our beautiful readers, Kitt, is wondering if she should go for the nice guy, or if she's settling.
Here's her email:
Hi Jane. So glad I found your blog! It has given me great insight. I hope hearing from you can give me guidance. Here goes.
I was with my ex for 4.5 years.
The relationship has its ups and downs but overall one that had me alive and thinking he was the man and only one I would marry. My soulmate. We were so compatible on many levels, great sex and I love being with him.
I have always told him 3 years since I was 30 at the time on whether we would should know to take the next step or not. Of course that was a mistake but I realized he had commitment issues. 3 years came and no next step till I ended things and moved back to NY from CA.
He chased me to NY and proposed.Continue Reading
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