I'm always struck by how much my clients and I have in common. Nowhere is this more evident than on the topic of unconditional love.
Ask any practical, logical person about it and they will have undoubtedly tell you that unconditional love is only something experienced by a parent towards a child. That it's not possible in any other relationship because it would require someone to be capable of loving someone else regardless of who they are or what they do or don't do.
And that, they would go on to say, isn't something we humans are truly capable of.
A religious or spiritual person would say that God - or what God represents to us - is the only one capable of truly loving us unconditionally. But for those of us who refuse to believe that unconditional love doesn't exist, no amount of logic or practical standpoints can quite shake the belief inside us that it does indeed exist.
But herein is my point: This is the precise reason why we're searching for it.Continue Reading
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