One of our beautiful readers from all the way over in Northern Europe is heart broken over a guy she fell hard for, who was acting like he's in a relationship with her, but then said he only wants to be friends.
Here's her story:
Hey Jane!
I am a young woman from Sweden that needs your advice. I have been asking loads of people for advice but it doesn't seem to match with what I am trying to tell them, in other words, the advice is not helping me anywhere.
Like most of your emails, this is about me and another person. This person is one odd guy that I've known for quite some time now (almost A year).
I met him right after when I broke up with my boyfriend that I was supposed to get engaged to, but we went through some issues and went separate ways. Right after that, probably one week afterwards, I met this wonderful, innocent and caring guy over social media.Continue Reading
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