You're too kind for him, too compassionate for him, too understanding for him, too good for him, Girl.
Sure, he needs every bit of what you've got to offer him, but he's giving you nothing in return that's even close to what you're offering him. And yet all you're doing is justifying why those crumbs are worth you.
Stop justifying. Stop making excuses. Start looking at what's right there in front of you; the facts you already know.
Yes, I know. Facts are boring. Reality isn't exciting. And this one's potential offers so much more hope than anyone else you've been with so far.
Is crying yourself to sleep exciting? Is waiting for someone to come around exciting?
Is living in the future or the past because the present is too painful, the way you pictured love was going to be?
I meet way too many of you under the worst kind of circumstances, scraping the barrel for whatever crumbs you can still get from him. I see it so clearly for you because you can't see it when he's still all you can think about or cry about - but I'll tell you this.
I've been right there where I couldn't see it either and one of these days, just like me, you're going to see it so clearly too.
Oh girl, ask yourself this; is he really worth what you're putting yourself through?
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