Beautiful Eve asks a question I've heard from so many of my clients over the years and she's absolutely right; it's one of the toughest questions for any of us to answer.
Here's her email:
Dear Jane,
I have read your book and countless of your articles/answers and I absolutely adore you. You have helped me in the past and I hope you could help me now.
I’m not sure this is the type of letter you’d normally answer but I can give it a shot.
I have been in a long distance relationship for a little more than 2.5 years (we lived close by for half a year.) We live on different continents (he's American military and I am from Europe.) We see each other a couple of weeks a year and call every day.
We are an incredible match and he makes me feel happy and cared for.
We both feel that this year we should live together. I will be moving. It will be really difficult regarding job and visa, but I think it will be worth it. (He hates me giving up everything and would like to be the one moving but with his job, it’s not possible right now.)
What bothers me is the following.Continue Reading
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