It's usually after you've tried everything else that you find your way here.
When everyone else has made you feel so much worse for not being able to figure this whole life/love/relationships thing out on your own, and you can now add shame to everything else you feel.
Did they think you didn't want to be able to figure this out on your own?
Of course you did! It's no wonder you have to build up the courage to finally try again.
Maybe this time will be different, but do this enough times and it makes perfect sense why you've resorted to humor or sarcasm or just about any other coping mechanism to hide your pain.
Don't play this game anymore.
This going back to the same people you couldn't count on before to try to get some love and grace, only to feel once more that there's something wrong with you that you can't do the scariest thing; something (anything) different.Continue Reading
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