You've been living like this for far too long, and the question keeps popping up in your head: Should I leave him?
You keep thinking things are going to get better, hanging on to those little things that just keep you hanging on.
Until it finally becomes clear that things aren't getting better, he isn't coming around, you're still giving way more than you're getting out of this relationship.
And yet, there are the wonderful things.
The amazing times you have together. Those occasional times when he actually does something romantic.
And when it's good, it's really good.
Unfortunately, there just aren't that many of these really great times, and as much as you try to keep it going, you're wondering if you're really just wasting your time.
Especially as the clock keeps ticking and you're not any closer to that elusive commitment you're looking for from him.
You keep asking yourself, should I stay in or leave this relationship?
It's the question so many of us have wrestled with at one time or another, and one I hear from so many of my coaching clients - "Should I stay or should I leave?"
Typically followed with "Should I give it a little more time?, and if so, how much?" "Or should I just break up?"
Leaving a relationship is never easy, and deciding when to leave a relationship is one of the most difficult decisions to make.
If you're like most of us, you just want someone to tell you what to do, give you some assurance that you're doing the right thing. But everyone you talk to gives you a different answer until you are completely confused as to what to do.
Well, I have good news for you.Continue Reading
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