Ever feel like your dream for your relationship has turned into a nightmare?
You're not alone.
One of my boyfriends bought me a book on dream interpretations because I had such vivid nightmares while we were dating. Little did he know they were about him! - and for a good reason. What my conscious mind couldn't bring myself to see, my subconscious mind couldn't NOT see.
I've heard the same from many of you in my working with you who've shared your own vivid dreams with me, so today I'm sharing Kelli's letter with you so you can feel another heart who relates to what you've been through. Here's what she wrote to me ...
Her Story:
Hi Jane,
I decided to write to you because burning the bridge on a relationship is tough and I need support.
I did walk away finally and could see why I kept hanging on.
I do know that when a healthy relationship comes along it will be such a relief.
Wishing the old relationship had turned out differently is like hanging on to a cloud.Continue Reading
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