He's one guy.
I get that.
One really important guy you've pinned all your hopes and dreams on.
I get that, too.
But because one person isn't capable of seeing you, you're going to let that one person define your worth?
No! Not this time and not any other time either.
We're done doing that. We've done that too many times already.
Take him down off that pedestal right now, girl, and take a look at what you've actually got.
The real picture, not the fantasy of "but you don't know him like I do" that you keep coming back to. I DO know him like you do because guys like him are the ONLY ones I'd ever known before I finally did something about it and they all follow a familiar pattern.
Someone who breaks your heart over and over again.
Someone who triggers every one of your blind spots so you can't even see why it's happening. (Get my program WHY MEN PULL AWAY if you want to finally understand why.)
Sure, those good times feel great. Sure, he's got a ton of potential. But there's more to life than potential that breaks your heart every single day, more to life than tears and loneliness and waiting for something to change.
Whatever happened to the woman you used to be who would NEVER allow herself to be treated this way?
Whatever happened to her? We all have our stories, our reasons why we've settled for the things that we do. Share yours here in the comments so we can make her more than just a memory again. I want to bring you back to the woman you used to be who stands in her power and NEVER allows herself to be treated this way!
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