You don’t say it out loud, but it’s there.
You think it has to be you.
Everything you’re not.
Everything you think you need to be.
But it’s not!
Exactly who you are is enough.
Exactly where you’re at right now is all part of this journey.
Don’t buy into a culture that dictates what you need to be to be loved, to have love, in order to get that love.
Love doesn’t work that way. It shows up both when you least expect it and when you most expect it.
In the perfect time either way.
Don’t listen to the ones who’ve never known real love themselves.
Don’t let the opinions of those who don’t have your best interests at heart carry so much weight with you. They don't know you. But you do.
Even if you’ve never experienced it before, you know what love can do. You know you were made to be loved, to have love, to love like the kind of love you hold in your heart of hearts.
It's not you if someone can't see that. It's not you if someone can't receive it.
You can give every part of yourself in full expression of that kind of love to someone who shows all the potential in the world, but if he doesn't choose that kind of love, that's not because of you!
Stop blaming yourself. Stop buying into the shame that you should have been or done or known something differently than you knew with the limited light you’d been exposed to. It takes more than that to stop this pattern.
Stop the shame. Stop the putting all this on you. It’s only our culture that makes this something virtuous for us to do.
It’s not.
Suffering and martyrdom isn’t virtuous. It’s time to stop behaving like it is.
Your sensitive heart and soul needs to be nourished by an environment capable of giving you what you need. Love. Kindness. Grace. Compassion. Validation. Understanding. Empathy.
Don’t change a thing about you. Change everything about the people, the places, the environments you allow to have access to you.
When you feel bad about yourself, who’s putting that on you? Who’s around you? Who are you listening to? Whose voice is coming through?
Observe, listen, take in this information these feelings coming up in you are revealing to you. Yes, it’s hard to admit to ourselves the tough truths we don’t want to admit much less change about the people in our lives we’ve invested so much of our time and energy in.
This isn’t about you bowing down to more of the ones who never have your bestinterests at heart.
This is about you learning to take care of you, to guard your beautiful heart and soul again someone who doesn’t really care about you, and to learn how to love and be loved the way love was always meant to be; with someone who’s your equal, with someone who can actually see you.
And most of all, someone actually capable of being with someone with a heart just like yours!
Is this getting clearer yet? If not, let me know in the comments what's still fuzzy. I want to make this crystal clear for you!
He says I m perfect, we have a close r conection.. But leaves me stranded now 3x...If i was all that to him he would be here with me..
Yes, Colleen, he would be. Please don't take his actions personally. This isn't about you and how perfect you are, it's about what he's capable of. Don't take this on you. You're beautiful just as you are.