Beautiful Ally is sad and heartbroken, wondering how her boyfriend of 6 months could let her go so easily.
Here's her story:
Hi Jane,
I'm an avid reader of your site and your advice has helped me before. I recently ended my relationship and I am having a hard time dealing with it. I feel like I made the right decision but I'm still hurting and confused.
A little background:
I met my boyfriend about 6 months ago.
I was out with a friend and he approached me. I initially was not all that interested but after a lengthy conversation I realized that there was some chemistry. He told me he was getting divorced (after 15 years of marriage), he had been separated over a year (has his own apartment and she has the house) and was moving forward with his life.
He was attractive, very smart and had a great job. I felt like we had a lot in common as I too am intelligent and successful. I have a great job, no kids and never married. He's 40 and I'm 43. He has two young children from his marriage ages 4 and 6.
He asked me for my number and I gave it to him. Only after he raised his phone to put in my number did I see he was still wearing his wedding ring. I know- red flag number one.
I asked about it and he said it was just habit, that he wears it for the kids and that honestly he wasn't out looking for someone to date but just happened to meet me and hit it off.
We went on a date the next day.
We had a lot of fun and I could see that he could be someone I could really fall for. I asked him more about his divorce. Where he was at as far as filing etc. What he told me was very upsetting.
Even though they had been separated over a year they didn't even have an attorney. They were trying to do an amicable dissolution. This made no sense to me. He said they both decided to divorce because they fought all the time and were no longer in love with each other, but wanted to keep it civil for the kids.
The next day after thinking about the situation, I told him that I was uncomfortable getting into the middle of his situation and it didn't make sense to me why there was no attorney involved. I told him I was uncomfortable and thought it best I stay out of it.
I'm 43, free, no baggage. I am ready to have a relationship and find love. I know what I want and I didn't see him being able to give me that. Not in his current situation. He was disappointed but accepted my decision.
Fast forward one month.
After having no contact he suddenly reaches out to me again and asked if I wanted to get a drink sometime. His situation had moved along, they now had an attorney and it seemed things were actually progressing. So I agreed to meet him.
We spent the entire day together and had a great night. He explained they were using the same attorney (which I found odd) and trying to do a dissolution. He said she would want one thing and then he'd disagree and vice versa. There was a lot of going back and forth. Again the goal was to put the children first and remain civil.
Still nothing official had been filed - no temporary child custody agreement, no separation agreement and he was still giving her an obscene amount of money every month just to maintain her lifestyle and keep the kids happy.
So we started dating.
Let me preface this with the fact that I NEVER expected to come before his kids. Ever. In fact I loved that he was a good father and supportive of him having a good relationship with his wife for his kids and I told him this.
Initially everything was good and I was happy. But then I noticed a pattern.
Whenever I was with him his wife would call/text/facetime. It was ridiculous. She would call and keep calling until he answered. She would do this late at night when we were together and first thing in the morning.
Sometimes it had to do with the kids (never an emergency though and honestly things she could wait to talk about) and other times it was her wanting to know where he was and what he was doing.
I asked him if he would answer her calls if I wasn't there and he said he would.
He was never able to make plans with me in advance. I only saw him when either 1) He first cleared it with her - as in asking if he needed to get the kids that night or 2) After he dropped them off at her house - so I wouldn't see him until 8 - 9:00 at night.
It was always last minute. He would ask me literally the evening of if he could see me. And this was through the week.
I never saw him on weekends because he had his kids every weekend. There was no boundaries with her - just constant calls and texting. No written parenting agreement and just last minute can you get the kids, they're driving me crazy kind of stuff. She always did this to him. He never did it to her.
He works she does not - yet he would still go to her house every morning and take the kids to school. Often times he would go back later in the day to pick them up too. On nights he did not have them at his place he would go to her house to put them to bed.
I literally never knew when I would be seeing him again after I left because he never knew when he would have his kids until the day of. I'd ask him "so when am I seeing you again?" and he would say "I don't know but soon."
One Saturday early into the relationship we made plans because he did not have his kids.
I was at his apartment and she started calling.
Calling, calling, calling.
When he didn't answer she sent him texts that he better get his kids in the next 15 minutes or he'd regret it. He ended up cancelling our plans and saying sorry he had to get his kids.
I was done. I had had it. I told him I couldn't do it anymore.
He texted me later in the day and told me that he had had a talk with her and had told her about me. I guess she was dating someone too. He said he told her so that he could start establishing boundaries with her.
Stupidly I thought that things may change now that she was involved with someone and since she knew about me.
I will quickly summarize the last 4 months of the relationship because to go into detail would take forever. I never met his kids - he wanted me to meet the wife first (which I agreed with) and in fact she had offered to meet me but he was not ready for that yet. Her boyfriend did not stick around long. I feel he ended it with her because of all the issues we were dealing with.
So to summarize:
The calls/facetiming/texting did not stop. She continued to call late at night and early morning. He would not take her calls in front of me and would leave to walk the dog so he could call her back.
I believe there were literally 3 times we actually had a date night where we went out to dinner. He had called her beforehand asking if he needed to get the kids that night and she said no. Then while we were at dinner she would call asking him to pick them up. When he told her no she would flip out. She started blaming me saying our relationship was affecting their children.
Outside of date nights which happened rarely, I was only seeing him through the week after he dropped the kids off at her house or after he stopped by to say goodnight - so usually after 9 PM.
When he had his kids or was at her house, his communication with me drastically dropped. He would have them all weekend and I would go the entire day not hearing from him.
For his birthday he told me he was spending it with his kids - which, of course, I was fine with. Only to find out that he ended up going over to her house to grill out and spend it together like a family.
He still would visit with his in-laws, taking the kids to their pool and his brother-in-law's house. He claimed she wasn't there but I really do not know.
They both constantly said even though they were divorcing "they were choosing to remain a family." The plans for the holidays were to spend it together with her family. I know that was for Thanksgiving and X-mas and likely NYE
There still was no advancement in the divorce, nothing filed. I started to wonder if they were even getting a divorce. They essentially were acting as if they were still married other than not living together and not having sex (I assume.)
He kept pictures of her out in his apartment. For example he was using a mouse pad that was a selfie of just the 2 of them.
There were framed pictures of just her and them together in the bedroom that he said he had there for the kids. He would put those away when he knew I was coming over but left the mouse pad out. He had her in his phone as a cute pet-name he had given her when they were still married- not her real name.
So why did I finally end it?
After a great night together she had began texting him and facetiming him the following morning. He did not answer and said he was going to walk the dog. Of course I knew he was calling her.
After he had been gone for some time I had texted him and asked him if I should leave. He said no he was getting them breakfast. So he just took off without telling me, went to her house to take the kids to school and was getting her breakfast on the way. I was angry to say the least.
So I did something I'm not proud of. He had left his smart watch and I read through their text messages. They were texting all day everyday. Most of it was her yelling and berating him for something. That she's so done with him, threatening to tell her lawyer things regarding him as a father etc.
Her complaining that when he was at her house dropping the kids off how she had made him dinner and he wasn't appreciative.
It was constant.
I could not understand why she was so angry. One message she said after their divorce maybe they could all move to California together and live together since he can't afford two separate houses. He did not reply to that.
But what upset me was how he handled it.
He was trying to be nice, calling her by her pet-name, asking why she is so mad. Being sweet and telling her to go back to bed and he would get the kids to school, inviting her over for dinner when he had the kids at his place (he claimed he invited her because he knew she would say no.) Offering to go to lunch with her (which he again said ended up not happening).
I also found out that every time he took the kids to school he was making Starbucks runs for her. His reasoning - it's for the KIDS. If she's happy, the kids are happy. He claimed it was not about her.
It's just too much.
I am not an insecure person. But I did not feel like that level of interaction with her was appropriate or normal for someone supposedly divorcing and who had a girlfriend (we were exclusive -ridiculous as that sounds.)
I told him I could not do it.
Had I known the entire picture of how involved they still were I never would have gotten involved with him. I told him until he can set boundaries with her, a parenting schedule, and stops the constant all day every day communication with her (unless it's about the kids or the divorce) I was done.
I also told him he needed to get his own attorney (which I had mentioned before but he claims that will just anger her more and turn it into a war).
And you know what? He told me he would do those things.
But guess what, after a few days I could see it wasn't going to happen. He discussed the parenting plan idea and she was not happy about it, he was still talking to her about things not involving the kids.
So I walked away and he let me.
I know I made the right decision. Reading everything I have written here is just exhausting. Eventually he texted me that he was sorry for hurting me and he did care about me but he just needed to get this divorce done before he could entertain a relationship.
This all just happened last week and I'm heartbroken. Which seems crazy considering the drama I was dealing with. But at the end of the day, I really did care for him, we got along so well, great chemistry.
Outside of his wife, we never argued about anything. He had made me feel like there was a future: someday I'd meet his kids, eventually we could all hang out together etc. He told me how lucky he was that he had met someone so great like me-smart, beautiful, successful, independent - and how he knew no one else would put up with his situation.
Im just sad. How could he let me go so easily?
Why am I so upset over someone that put me through this? Why does he allow this woman to berate him and yet still want her in his life to the extent she is?
I want to get over him and move on but all I am doing is missing him (yes missing the crumbs he was giving me) and hoping he will come to his senses and realize he misses not having me and needs to set boundaries and get an attorney.
It's like Im in some kind of limbo hoping and waiting I will get a call that he's divorced and we can finally start a normal life together.
Thank you for reading.
My Response:
You absolutely did the right thing, Ally!
The wedding ring he was still wearing, the mousepad with the pictures of the two of them, the dropping everything and interrupting of your plans to be at her beck and call all in the name of the kids – and I’m sure there are so many more things you didn’t even mention along these lines.
This man has has no boundaries!
He’s manipulated by guilt, by shame, by being a decent kind-hearted, hard working man. But this isn’t going to change anytime soon.
When you have someone who’s essentially so scared of his ex-wife and the manipulative actions she’s willing to take with him when he doesn’t do what she wants him to do, there's nothing you can do here except walk away when you’ve had enough.
He’s got the best of both worlds.
A family that he can still be very much a part of and an attractive, intelligent, successful woman like you who he can date and build a relationship with at the same time. But the problem is for all your understanding and accommodating of him (because, yes, he’s obviously a nice guy), it doesn’t change who he is and what he’s capable of.
He has no boundaries with her, and while he may recognize this, without him being willing to set some boundaries with her and without him refusing to be manipulated by her scare tactics by letting her keep him in the palm of her hands, the truth is you have no real relationship with him.
It’s you and her and him and his kids.
But to him, no matter what he might tell you, his actions and behavior clearly show you that as long as she has the kids to manipulate him with, she won’t hold back. And he won’t push back. As long as he continues to show her what she’s doing is working by rewarding her manipulating behavior, you don’t stand a chance.
So while it may hurt, while you may miss him and all those good times you shared together when it felt like the two of you could get through this together if you just waited it out long enough, that all-knowing objective part of your intuition clearly sees and hears and watches him show you that this guy has a long, long way to go before he’s ever going to become your man.
And to remind you of everything you already knew when you said the only words that can ever change a situation that’s not yours to change:
Yes, he’s a good guy. Yes, he’s someone who has the potential to be a good guy with you, and the way he treats his kids and makes them a priority is a really admirable quality. But not the way he allows her to walk all over him. Not the way he allows her to manipulate him. Not the way she uses this love of his children and his own guilt against him.
He’s going to be dealing with her for a long, long time. His kids are only 4 and 6. That’s too many years for you to have to live like the way you’ve lived these last 6 months.
You’re not a martyr. You’re not a victim. You’re a beautiful vibrant woman with so much to offer and so much to give someone who isn’t playing beck and call to his ex.
Of course you dream of getting that call that says they’re divorced and he’s ready to move forward with you.
Remember, his lack of boundaries doesn’t make him a bad guy, just not the guy for you if you want someone who’s with you and can be counted on to set healthy boundaries around his ex.
Next time, you’ll see those red flags and you’ll know what they mean. But this time, you took a chance. Never, ever beat yourself up for that.
But now, while this is still fresh in your mind, make a list of all those red flags. Put him back in perspective by reminding yourself of why you chose to end it. It wasn’t for nothing, and it wasn’t because it was what you really wanted to do.
That’s what matters, Ally.
You did what you had to do for you before you went any further with your heart being invested in someone who only ever had half his heart to give you.
You deserve more than that.
Sure there’s room for kids. But not for an ex manipulating with them, and not for a man who hasn’t done the work within himself so that he can set clear boundaries around how he allows her to treat him.
Grieve the loss of the potential of what could have been. But don’t you dare forget what actually was. We don’t build real relationships based on what could be; we build them on what is!
What do you think Beautiful Ally should do in this situation? Share your words of advice and encouragement with her below in the comments!
Thank you for this article Ally, I have had the same experience but I waited around for 5 years through his divorce and all the ups and downs, not being a priority etc due to no boundaries with the ex and guilt over leaving his kids just as you have experienced, and all the way through he said he wanted a family with me but when it finally came to it he said it wasn’t what he wanted and ended it. We reconnected after 6 months apart only to hit the same wall again. Heartbreaking. But a huge lesson for me about my own self worth. Time is a great healer. Love and light x
So, I just need some quick words of encouragement, if someone (even Jane!) can help...
I casually dated this guy for 2 and a half years. Through that time, it never got far at all. In the beginning, it looked promising and he seemed to be really interested. Then he just started to drift. He was usually very shady anyway...we never saw each other on the weekends, he was inconsistent in his actions, always just TEXTING- nothing else, etc. Just someone to make me feel uneasy and insecure about what was happening.
Long story short, we’ve seen each other on and off sparingly after the initial dating. A few months go by, I reach out to him, we hang out, poof- he fades. More time passes, he reaches out to me, we hang out, poof- again he fades. Most of the time, it’s been ME doing the chasing.
This past November, I did my usual and texted him. He suggested to meet up that night and we did. As usual, we have a great time. The chemistry was amazing again- as always. No sex, but hooked up. Out of euphoria and just a feeling of joy and feeling ALIVE (which I’ve never felt with anyone else!) I tell him I love him. I’ve told him that once or twice before and I’d always just get a “aww, that’s sweet” response. This time, he said it back. I said “you do?”, to which he answered “you know I have a lot of feelings for you”. So that was that. He tells me to call him tomorrow to hang out. So I did but it never worked out. He was tired and I let it go.
The whole weekend passes and I don’t hear a word from him. So I text him that Tuesday to call him out on it. I politely busted his chops about it...lol. But at the end of the conversation and seeing this pattern so many times, I subtly gave him my farewell speech and wished him well and told him he’ll find love one day and that he has to just have faith. The convo ended with just him saying “we’ll see”.
The whole week goes by and I hear nothing else- which I didn’t expect anyway. That Saturday (which I NEVER hear from him on Saturdays) he randomly texts me at 5pm asking how my week was. I answer “it wasn’t too bad- how was yours?” And guess what? No response and that was the LAST time I heard from him! That was November!!!
I refuse to reach out to him anymore and know this needs to be buried once and for all. Part of me hates him and can’t believe he would hurt me like this - just blowing me off and cutting me out of his life (without even a response!) so easily. Then part of me wonders if there’s some valid reason WHY he could never be transparent with me. At the end of the day though, i just keep telling myself it doesn’t justify his actions to me. Don’t I deserve just common courtesy and some kind of answer?? I’ve been trying to move on but the wound won’t shut.
You can't move on when you're stuck on "Don't I deserve just common courtesy and some kind of answer?" Of course you do, Cathy! But it's not what's coming from him. This guy is completely incapable of giving you what you need but not because of you - because of him. And no matter how much potential he might show, that's not something you can fix for him. That's deeply rooted in his own issues. Remember that this would have been over a long time ago if you weren't the one doing all the chasing. It's so easy to just respond, which is the bare minimum you've been getting from him. You deserve so much more, Cathy, but you have to commit to refusing to settle for anything less to make sure you never have to deal with someone like this again! And for future reference, "aww, that's sweet" is never enough and will never be enough.
Jane! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! When I see your name, it’s like getting a response from Gandhi! Lol
Yes- you’re completely right...I’m waiting for something that will never happen. He’s simply incapable of it. The funny thing is there are some days I’ve accepted that and am OK with it all, and then some days the thoughts creep in and the feelings begin again! I think I just need to focus on that point though when they DO creep in and remember the facts.
I also know it was me keeping the contact going the whole time. Case in point is right now:
It’s been 12 weeks since I’ve talked to him. I committed to never reaching out again after that day in November and have stuck to it- which I’m proud of myself for! I haven’t gone this “long” in all the time I’ve known him. With that being said- without ME keeping it going, the whole thing stopped, which deep down I knew would happen.
When I assess the whole thing , I think the thing that drives me the craziest is the thought of
him being with someone else. I think he’s gone back to a woman he dated in the past. Of course, those common thoughts occur: “why is he with her, not me”...”what does she have that I don’t”...and “is he the same way with her???” I know who she is so I often check her profiles on social media, which I know- does nothing but keep me connected in some way. I just feel like he is different with her. Ahh- the beauty of rejection! Lol.
Yes-I mentioned the “aww sweet” part just to point out that he had responded differently this last time than he had in the past...leaving ME to think and feel that maybe he wanted more. Looking back now, I feel that his response was in the moment and sadly just a way for him to try to get me to sleep with him that night. That’s when my anger kicks in...
I just pray to God for the strength to completely release him...the strength to stop wishing I WOULD hear from him again...the strength to finally let him go and close the chapter in my heart and in my mind for good.
You ARE sweet, Cathy! You gave me a smile. Now that's a standard to live up to! 🙂
You've got the strength, now just need to remember you're worth using it for. And remember, she doesn't have anything that you've got, in fact, the reason why someone goes back to an ex is often because they don't have to grow or stretch or be anything more whereas you call for him to live up to that potential you see and be more of who you know he's capable of being. But you can't do this for him; it has to come from him. Leave a therapist to the work of bringing out all that potential in him; you, Cathy, have a life to live, a focus besides him and so much more to do than wait around for him!
PS And be proud of yourself for going 12 weeks since you've talked to him. Make it another 12 weeks and you'll be mostly over him!
Thanks for your encouraging words, Jane!
I like the point you made up about people going back to their exes...I’ve been there myself and can relate. It makes sense though!
I just need to continue to look ahead. I’m losing faith that I’ll ever find that “one” but I suppose it’s still better than being with someone that’s not right for me.
PS...here’s to another 12 weeks! 😊
I am in this situation except I am a woman.. I went to my attorney last April.. she suggested I file a settlement agreement to be more economical and be able to get things done faster.. In the meantime I bumped into a man I had known for many years..we ended up talking and making a plan for dinner. We really hit it off and I knew that the split was happening with the soon to be ex so I accepted what began with the new guy. We became closer.. and the estranged was giving me trouble with settling the divorce. When he had been asked to leave the home he went to his 1 bedroom place of business.. this made it impossible for him to share parent responsibly and keep the two children. With the exception of one the estranged has kept my daughter over night one evening and it was out of town in a hotel. My son had no problem staying with him at the business but my daughter simply wasn’t having it. This caused issues with the new guy and I didn’t really know what to do except wait for the estranged to decide in the settlement and he just would not.. I had to end up filing for divorce because I couldn’t get results..the new guy broke things off with me in the process saying that I was selfish and he could not understand why this was taking so long. I never spent any “family” time with the estranged like in Alys story. I tried getting a clean break and it just didn’t happen.. it is now February and I wait on the court system which is taking what’s seems like an eternity. So what I want to say is things are not always what they seem and sadly in my case I found someone I felt I might actually be able to build something with as we had known each other for a very long time. My focus has remained the entire time on my two childrens well being and the degree I seek which is almost complete. I pray each day that something will work out but until things are fully completed It doesn’t seem that I will be able to have any sort of elsewhere. I am very sad because I saw something in this man that ended up breaking my heart over me not being divorced. It’s been hell.
Why are you making his "letting you go easily" about you, Ally? Why is that your go-to response? Look into that.
Say he'd begged you and run after you, how would that have changed the reality that this is a man with huge issues that you saw from jump?
Move forward, Ally, and look inward. Find your answers within yourself and with honesty look at your choices. Chalk this one up to experience. Get up and keep moving on.
I just dumped a guy who was going through divorce, have 3 little kids and a job where he’s so “busy”. That’s the word I’ve most heard in 2 months os relationship: “I’m busy like hell”, either with his job or his kids. I got tired really fast. Lesson I learned: no more guys in the middle of a divorce and no young kids. Mine are grown ups already. I want a guy in the same page. Did I care about him? Yes, a lot. Was it hard to break up? No, I was not happy with him. I chose myself and I’ll akwats will. I’m much happier and at peace now.
Ally, I done the same .. I stood by for 2 years during his divorce, went through all the ups and downs with him, he finally gets divorced and now he says he doesn't want a relationship or to settle down, he just wants to do his own thing, he loves seeing me and talking to me and can we be just friends.. it hurt , but I had to walk away , waiting around for 2 years was long enough .. no more , time to look after myself , sending you a big hug !
Ally, I stood by him for 3 1/2 years during his divorce... and the minute it was all settled and we could finally move forward - he said he didn’t want a serious relationship. I have been burned EVERY time I invest in someone going through a divorce. They always seem so emotionally connected to me, but they are NOT emotionally available. You did the right thing... you also left him better than when you found him. He knows he isn’t capable of giving you what you deserve. He’s operating in fear mode... while you are choosing love. Always choose love. But fear is often more powerful. Both need to choose love. Good luck!
It never ceases to amaze me why intellgent beautiful women such as Ally (myself included) choose to ignore red flags. Ally didn’t stand a chance with this man as he was clearly not emotionally available. My new plan is to get off the beach when the first red flag is erected!!! Good luck to Ally. Please follow Jane’s words of widsdom.