This week, beautiful Lolly shares her story with us, about how her boyfriend broke up with her through a text message, which is becoming more and more common. But, as always, the real story of the relationship goes much deeper than that.
Here's her email:
Hi Jane.
Firstly I would like to thank you and all the amazing women in your forum for all the advice that you provide here, it has made a tremendous impact in my life.
I have been seeing this guy for over a year now. He is 34 and I am turning 33 in 2 days.
He doesn't have kids and I have 2 kids (boys). We never really labeled our relationship from the beginning (big mistake.) Everything just happened so fast, from him sending me flowers at work on my birthday after just two months of knowing each other to us spending most of our time together.
It came to a point where we were literally spending almost all the weekends together as we live very close to each other.
So as time went on and us having serious discussions about our relationship, future goals etc., he indicated to me that he was not ready for a serious relationship as he was still focusing on his career.
I made it clear that if I happen to meet someone who wants to settle down I will leave the relationship. He begged me and said if that ever happens he will have to step up and make things right with me (in my mind I thought he meant commitment.)
He has been very good to me in terms of being there for me in any manner that I can ever imagine. He was playing the boyfriend role I felt like we were in a serious relationship. He took me on vacation with his friends and their girlfriends during the new year.Continue Reading
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