The letter I want to share with you this week comes from one of our beautiful readers who has asked to remain anonymous. I'll simply call her "Beautiful".
Here's what she shared:
Hi Jane,
I thought l'd share my story with you as right now l’m so devastated and feel this pain won’t go away.
It’s killing me.
I have been sleeping with a guy for years. l fell so in love with him and thought he definitely had feelings for me. He'd tell me we would never be together but l never believed him as when we were together it felt real.
He'd give me that impression that there was something there, we got on so well together.
But l know now after seeing him on a dating site that it was all a lie, the kisses, the cuddles was all a lie. It really was just sex on his part but l thought there was feelings there.
l thought we had something.Continue Reading
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