The letter this week comes from one of our gorgeous readers, who has chosen to call herself "A". She's getting mixed signals from a guy at work, and she's asking herself "Is he into me or not?"
Here's her email:
So, I work with this man (think he's under 40, I'm 48). About 7 months ago we were at a mutual friends party and were dancing and being silly. I went to say something to him and he pulled me close, and it was then my tummy flipped and I realized I liked him.
So every time I saw him from then on at work he'd say hello and we held eye contact, so a few months on and it's clear we like each other. Then I bumped into him when we were out and we ended up having a kiss (he said afterwards he'd wanted to do that for ages) and swapping numbers.
After some texting back and forth we arrange to go to the cinema (my idea). I was really, really nervous but it went OK. Afterward we had a few pecks and he said about going out again, this time for a drink. Yay.
When I got home I text to say thanks and I'd had a good time and was looking forward to going for a drink and he said he was too.
So I text him later that week and said I was free over the weekend if he wanted to go for a drink.
He replied that, when he'd got home he was worried he was leading me on as going to the cinema felt to much like a date, and he didn't want to be dating anyone neither was he looking for a relationship, then went on to say he thought I was really hot and attractive and that's why he'd kissed me on both occasions and he'd happily go for a drink as he thinks it would be fun.
I stupidly replied he hadn't led me on (but clearly he had) a drink sounded like it would be fun and not to worry. The thing is I think he's maybe just not into me, I deleted his number in case I was tempted to text him.Continue Reading
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