Our beautiful friend Adriana has a boyfriend who isn't sure what he wants, and says he wants to scale things back. They're currently in a long distance relationship that she's afraid is turning is turning into a long distance friends with benefits.
Here's her email:
My boyfriend moved a couple hours away for a new job and the original plan was that I would move down there as well (though we wouldn't be moving in together).
A few weeks ago, he mentioned that he was conflicted because he cares about me a lot and "thinks he's falling in love with me". But also wants to use this new move/job/change to focus on himself and focus on his career.
He said he wasn't sure about me moving down because if I was only moving down to be with him and "had expectations" about continuing our relationship and how things would be, then I probably shouldn't move. But if I was moving down there for myself and we could hang out when it was convenient, he'd be happy with that.Continue Reading
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