I hope you had a wonderful holiday and you're going into the New Year with joy, health and happiness.
I always love starting a new year. I love the feeling of renewal that it offers and the enticing promise of a fresh start with a clean slate.
The feeling of change in the air.
But I also know that when it comes to making New Year's Resolutions, sometimes we can go over the top with all the goals we set out to accomplish.
I do it too.
We all go in, raring to go, with tons of energy and high expectations and a list of changes we want to make that's as long as our arm:
I'm going to lose weight!
I'm going to get a better job!
I'm going to save money!
I'm going to eat more vegetables!
I'm going to get out of debt!
I'm going to call my Mom more often!
While all of those are, of course, wonderful goals, keep in mind that habits are very difficult to break and the experts say that in order to really change anything we need to focus on one thing at a time, and one thing only.
So, you need to ask yourself, what is the ONE thing that you really want for yourself this year?
Since you're found your way here to my website, I'm going to make a guess that the biggest thing you want in your life that's missing right now is LOVE.
You're not alone.
It's understandable. Psychologists know that our need for love ranks just behind our basic physical needs of food, water and physical safety. First we need to be able to eat and breathe and stay alive, then we need to be loved and to love.
We all need it.
So let's make a decision here.
Let's make 2014 your year to really have the love that you want. That's your one New Year's resolution this year.
Don't worry, you're not going to do this alone. I'm here for you, as are all of the other beautiful women in this community we've created in this small corner of the internet.
We can do this together.
It's time to make a firm commitment that this is the year you're really going to do it – have the love that you've always been dreaming of. The kind of love that you know you deserve.
We're going to put all of those other resolutions on hold – this is the most important thing you need right now. I want you to commit to having your next most important need met this year – the need for love.
And there's some really good news here.
You've got a huge head start.
You're here.
If you've been coming to this site for a while now, or even if you just found us and are starting to poke around, you're in the right place.
I've dedicated myself to helping you to have the kind of love that you've always wanted, the kind of effortless, abundant love that we all want and that we all deserve. It's there, available for all of us for the taking.
I'm going to show you how to get it.
Over the next several weeks I'm going to be giving you some amazing tools that are going to put you directly on the path towards the kind of love we're talking about here.
But for now, for today, I just want one thing from you.
A commitment.
I want you to say to yourself, right now, out loud if you can (if you're sitting in the middle of a Starbucks reading this, then maybe just say it to yourself in your head):
"This is my year, World! I'm done with this lacking, this push and pull, these teasing little tastes of what love could be like. I know that love is abundant, so I want mine right now! No more messing around – I want the real thing, and I want it NOW! Bring it ON!"
Yes, I want you to say it just like that.
Yes, I know that you're a sweet, caring, loving, beautiful woman who wouldn't dream of screaming at anyone like that, much less The World, but for this one time we need to change that, and change it drastically.
You need to yell.
I want you to feel it. Deep down inside.
Scream it again with me:
"That's it, I'M DONE! This changes RIGHT NOW! I want real, true LOVE, and I'm tired of waiting!"
Then take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
And know that this is your number one priority this year, and it starts right now. You're not going to let anything stop you this time.
I know it can be scary, intimidating, even nauseating. But don't worry. I'll be here, holding your hand the entire time, leading the way. There's nothing to be afraid of.
The only thing I need is for you to commit to coming with me.
Are you ready to make this your top priority this year? Tell us in the comments!
Thank you for this.
I realize that instead of all those goals and lists, the only thing I need to do is set an intention. I've already done it. My intention will be to have peace. To stand for the fulfillment of receiving and giving love in a healthy way. That's all I need to change for this new year. My actions may well be driven and inspired from this deep desire and intention.
Happy new year.
Exactly, Angel! Focus on what brings you peace and everything else will fall into place in a way that's right for you! Happy New Year to you, too.
thanks jane for your inspiring words .you are absolutely right .all I want this year is true love with the right person .I have cried for long and I totally needs a true partner. happy new year
You're so welcome, Esther; it's time, it's time to come out and see the life - and the love - that are waiting for you. Hold onto this, true love with the right person; it's exactly what you deserve and nothing less.
Thank You Jane for the encouraging words as always. And a belated Happy New year to all of US who have found each other on your website. I am both excited and thrill to see what lies ahead because after the ordeals I've been through the last 2 years, it is like going through a tough training course and now reach graduation, I have never felt so ready now (both inside and out) for real love to come.
And that's exactly when love comes to us, Amy! Happy New Year to you! 🙂
Hi Jane, thank you so much for your inspiring email. You are absolutely right. All I want this year is true love the real love to a right person. And I would like to know simply tips to find this real love.:)
I was so excited about a new journey. I became just so disappointed with life. i have just stopped. I'm sad, scared, but wanting me back to go forward. I'm frozen. All I do is cry. I can't shake it, Where did I go?? I refuse to get too excited... I'm ruining b4 he has a chance.
I so hear where you're coming from, Lisa. We all sometimes need some help to get there, to find our way, when we feel so lost along the way. It's so normal to feel sad and scared, to feel so many different emotions when we first embark on something new. You're so not alone. Wherever you're at right now, it's ok. It doesn't change all that is still to come for you. It doesn't change this being a new journey, a new time for you. Whatever you're feeling, whatever is going on for you here, know that today is a new day, and deep within you, there is still that beautiful woman there ready to be found, to be seen for who she really is by you.
Be so gentle with yourself here, Lisa, take it one baby step at a time. Your tears have a a purpose; there's so much healing in those tears and you may have much to be healed. If you need some help to get back up and see yourself in the beautiful light of who you are, don't hesitate to get some real help, to find your own cheerleader in a counselor, in a friend, in a family member, or someone who you trust to help you out of this temporary place. But know that you will get through this, you will find a strength that you didn't even know existed. You are that strong!
Beautifully said, Diane; and that's exactly what we're going for here. There is so much more to come!
Hello Jane,I have had past relationships and they all proved to be the wrong men. I want to be loved and to love back;I don not think it is too much ask for. This is my year to find true love and be a princess in my disney world. I am sooo ready to give love another chance...... Thank you for everything!!!!
That's not too much for any one of us to ask for, Charity; that's exactly what you - and every single one of us! - deserve. Here's to a New Year, a new time, a new journey, a new way of seeing, a new way of living; this is absolutely your year!
This is great and exactly the encouragement and support I needed yesterday!
I said it all again today and think will do so every morning to feed that little bit of hope inside me that maybe love is on its way to me.
I'll be 43 this year and feel like I am losing the looks I had in my youth as well as my fun personality. I suppose it more that I am feeling worn down and sad ... because I do very much just want to be loved. I want a good, humble, sincere man who loves me and is excited to be with me, who --bc he loves me so-- thinks I am beautiful and wonderful from the inside out. I know I have a lot of love to give and that a man wouldn't be able to ask for a more loyal, supportive, understanding, and loving wife. Together we could make a strong team, have a wonderful life, and help others as well. I've wanted that so much for so long. I can appreciate though it not being my time yet before because I needed to grow and learn. But I've been feeling so ready for the past couple years.... As well as so scared --scared of heartbreak, betrayal, or that there will be no one out there.
Thank you Jane for your website and I will continue to look for your emails on new articles and etc.
Happy New Year!
I'm so glad you've found your way here, ReaderIF; you can be so confident that love is on its way to you! You're not losing anything, my beautiful friend; you're gaining so much in so many ways that you don't even realize. It's when you come to the place that you are now, when you're so ready, when you've done so much learning and growing already, that it becomes easier, in fact, because you're that much clearer, that much more self-aware, that much more ready to receive all that is waiting for you!
It's so natural to be scared, but try to think of that fear as excitement and energy - excitement of knowing there's so much more to come and an energy that comes from knowing that this is all a reflection of how far you've come and all the love in the world that you so deserve with someone who is on the same page as you. "Together we could make a strong team, have a wonderful life, and help others as well." - that's exactly how you'll know him because that's exactly what he'll be looking for with you, too. Happy New Year!
I'm thankful for you ! I'm with you all on this! Love it so much !
So glad to have you here, Jill; thank you!
Sounds like a great idea Jane!
Thanks, Carolyn; there's so much more to come!
I have been divorced for 8 years & have been single the entire time with the exception of this past summer when I met & dated the man of my dreams (or so I thought) until it ended abruptly & I was devastated! I had gotten a taste of the very thing that had eluded me for so long. I realize things happened for a reason & he wasn't my forever love but I'm bound & determined to be open to receiving the love I deserve this year. I'm soooo grateful for finding your site as it's provided me with hope, comfort, & support!
Thank you for your beautiful words, Jamie. I'm so glad you've found your way here because where you're at - "I'm bound & determined to be open to receiving the love I deserve this year" - is exactly what we're focusing on this year! Welcome!
I am loving your website. You really say a lot of great things and give a lot of great advice, especially about destructive behaviors. I like that in many of your posts I can tell that at some point you've known exactly how i feel. This is a good article too, though personally for this new year I'm doing the exact opposite, and following your advice on calling off the search. The more i search, the worse i feel, the more frantic i feel that there is nobody out there for me, the more i dread I feel knowing I'll end up alone forever. Hell, even the thought of calling off the search for ONE DAY terrifies me (WHAT IF TODAY IS THE DAY AND IM ABOUT TO MISS MY CHANCE?????) Ugh. Clearly I need to be alone with myself for a while and face the void. I like that you are one of the only sites that says it is ok to actually do this. Any advice appreciated. Hopefully at some point I will be ready to commit to finding love again. Happy New Years.
Welcome, Sky, I'm so glad you've found your way here! And thank you for your kind words, this is exactly why I'm here! I hear exactly what you're saying - in fact, your words "WHAT IF TODAY IS THE DAY AND IM ABOUT TO MISS MY CHANCE?????" are all too familiar to me, even now! - but everything you say is exactly what I'm going to be talking more about in the days and weeks to come. The reality is that you can never "miss" the person who's truly right for you, love doesn't work that way. I have so much I'm going to be sharing with you - including why where you're at in calling off your search right now to focus on YOU is one of the very best things you can do! We're going to do something different this year, Sky, stay with us and see where we're going to go! Happy New Year!
Thanks I appreciate your reply! At Day 3 I am surprised how challenging this really is. Usually when the loneliness strikes I can distract myself by searching for my match. Now All these moments of loneliness are bringing up that fear that I'm truly going to be alone forever. Plenty of people do end up alone. But i figured, if I'm meant to be alone, all the searching in the world wont find me a good love. And if I'm meant to be with somebody, not looking couldn't stop it from happening. So taking a break cant hurt, and will just stop me from obsessively searching and constantly convincing myself there is no match for me out there. I do look forward to the information you plan to share over the next few weeks. Hopefully something to help me grow positively while learning to be whole without searching!
Feel what you're feeling, Sky; don't try to distract yourself out of them. You have those feelings for a reason, as much as you don't want to feel the loneliness you're feeling right now. It's because you're sensitive, you're soft, you're real, you're the kind of giving, caring, loving beautiful person that the one you really deserve - who's right for you! - is looking for right now.
Take the words "never", "forever", "always" and any others like these out of your vocabulary, Sky. Such words can have such a negative effect on us and play on our deepest fears. You're here right now for a reason, and this is about one step at a time, one day at a time. You have no idea what tomorrow or the next day or the day after that will bring, and by doing something different this time, what you can know is that this time is going to be different!
"Something to help me grow positively while learning to be whole without searching!" - Exactly, Sky, this is what it's all about!
Thanks for your advice! I have been trying not to use those words in my inner speak today. I enjoyed the articles you linked above as well.
"Feel what you're feeling, Sky; don't try to distract yourself out of them. You have those feelings for a reason, as much as you don't want to feel the loneliness you're feeling right now. :
THANK YOU --- That is absolutely what I needed to hear today. The only way to grow through these subconscious issues is by facing them head on.
I deserve a man that loves me! I deserve a man that loves me for who I am and wants to be with me!
Hi Jane,
Yes count me in. I stepped out of my comfort zone in 2013 and did a dating website for six months. I can honestly say I've never felt worse about myself. I've gained 10 pounds, I've been slacking off my workout routine, drinking more... I wonder if I'm cut out for a man in my life. I'm 47 and haven't had a real relationship since I was 29; lots of non committal jerks that I let take advantage of me. I've learned a ton though. I first posted on your site back in March when once again I was Houdini'd on! I've been reading your posts almost everyday and can't tell you how much your website has helped me. Thank you so very much!! Happy New Year!
Love in 2014.
Thank you for sharing, Kate, and for your kind words. I'm so glad this is resonating with you. Please know that you're so not alone in your story. We all live, we all learn - most of us the most difficult ways possible! - and then we grow and grow some more! We're going to get you back, Kate, the real you, the one who knows your worth and isn't afraid to go after what she wants in life. There's a little girl in there with a whole lot of hopes and dreams to be fulfilled. One step at a time, wherever you're coming from, we're going to do this, together. This is your year for love! Happy New Year to you, my sweet friend!
Just what I need to read, hear my voice & write in words. I know its time to be whole of myself and share all I am with someone.
There's never been a better time than right now, Raquel. Welcome! I'm so glad you're here!
Believe it or not I, a guy, read your website. And yes, I am trying to get to true love. I am 61 yo and a professional and I have dreamed since age 11 of true love, in fact true love has been my number one goal my whole life but I have never found the real thing. 50 years is a long time to dream of love and never find it. But I am making a sustained effort now to grow as a person and to become the kind of person who can give and receive true love. I hope to find it before the end of my life. I do have someone special I am dating now, and we are waiting for four seasons to pass before we make any commitments. I read and enjoy your comments and wisdom about love every day. Keep it coming!
I'm inspired, Mitch. I know there's a few of you men on here that are beginning to understand all this, and I'm inspired that you've found your way here and can apply so many of these universal truths to your own lives. You might be in the minority here, but you're not alone either! You will find it, my friend. We live, we learn, we grow. It's never too late to begin again and start with a fresh new way of seeing, and there's no better time than right now. The four seasons is a wonderful way to really get to know someone without getting too far ahead of yourself and yet still being open to seeing the reality of what is.
I'll keep inspiring, and please keep showing up. The more men who come to understand these concepts, the closer we all will get to each other. Happy New Year!
HI Jane,
I just wanted to say thanks for your many articles this year. Some have been a tremendous help to me to allow me to realize some things about myself that I needed to change. I've been in a relationship now for almost 2 yrs and it's been ups and downs and a lot of the downs have come due to outside influences. However, 12/31 I officially started to make the change into this New Year focusing more on ME and learning to say NO. I'm the youngest of my sibilings and it's funny that I'm the most independent one of them. I've also been the one everyone has come to for help and i've given it. For a number of years, i've done nothing but put others feelings, cares, wants and needs before my own with my family and in relationships. I'm made a decision to finally start putting myself first and accepting that it is OK for me to put my needs before others sometimes. I also have decided to start doing things that make me happy whether i have to do them alone or if I have my significant other or friends to do them with...either way it's doing what i want to do. I've committed to loving me more so that I may give that same love to the man that is in my life. I'm focusing more on the positive and dimissing any and all negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Everything I have done has been for other people and not that I haven't been blessed to be in a position to do that and i'm grateful, but I can't forget about myself and forget that I too am worthy to be happy and put my cares and needs first sometimes.
Thanks for your kind words, Crystal. You're getting this, my beautiful friend. No matter how much we think we need to put others first - or how much we've been programmed to believe we need to do this! - it's to our detriment when we neglect our own beautiful selves in the process. You are so worthy of so much love and happiness and every good thing that you so deserve! I'm so glad you're figuring this out, and I'm so glad you're here. Happy New Year to you, Crystal, and to all that is awaiting you in this, your year!
Oh I really hope this year can be a fresh start for me, I'm so tired of putting in all the work with my "man" and getting very little back. Not even a Happy New Year as yet from him!
I have told myself...enough is enough...I have so much to give and if he doesn't want it then it really is his loss. This has been a 3.5 year relationship so I know I will find it hard to let go but I have to do it, with your help I hope??
I so hear you, Sam! Only you know when you've had enough, but if you're ready, I'm here for you and we're going to find that beautiful life of yours that is just waiting to be lived. Letting go is never easy, but we're going to go through all this together, one step at a time, wherever you are right now to wherever your heart is meant to be. It's a journey, and it begins with you!
Thank you for your reply Jane!
I really don't know what else to do. He's with me, then he's not, then he is then he's not. It drives me nuts. After reading a lot of your posts, I think it has all been on his terms. I didn't see it at the time, or maybe I didn't want to see it. I need a life that is normal, fun and happy. Not stress all the time, me thinking what's going on with him, why has he gone missing yet again. It's not how it should be and I'm best off just walking away without a word. I wonder how long it will take him to even notice. How very sad after 3.5 years.
Hi Sam!! Better after 3.5 years than after 10 years!!!! You will know if it's not right, and if that is the case, the quicker you move on the quicker you can find a better match!
Your right Sky!!
It is so hard for me as I know he loves me, then he gets scared and backs off. It's been like this for so long I really don't know what else to do. I love him like no other but he wont just relax and go with the flow...he thinks, and thinks, and THINKS, then talks himself out of being in something special with me. We get on so well together, we are on the same page about so much, then when we have a great time together he goes home and I don't hear from him for days, sometimes weeks. I find it so hard to deal with and I don't know what to do. If he could trust that I would never do anything to hurt him I'm sure we could be happy, but I can't keep doing the same thing over and over again, as I will never see an end result. I have to let him go and see what happens, if he can't or won't step up I guess I will never hear from him again. I'm at a loss and I really need help what to do from here.
Learn to realize that you deserve nothing less than somebody who WANTS to be with you. Nobody can tell you what to do, but i'll say that imo if somebody can go WEEKS without contact, especailly after 3 years, that isn't healthy, that isn't even a real relationship, and you know it!
You summed this up so beautifully, Sky; thanks for sharing your insight here.
jane, with tears in my eyes, I just finished reading your article. I have written here many times, and today I am writing to confirm that I am with you and with all the other women who read you. I am committing myself to your resolution thst his is the year to find love and have it in my lifel in November, I got broken up with, by the man of my dreams--- or so I thought. After six wonderful months together, he dropped me. all he said was that he doesn't feel romantic towards me, and I honestly thought that at christmas he would commit himself to me, but I got the opposite. I got dumped. So after 4 weeks alone in my apartment crying my eyes out, I am starting fresh, now, today, with my new resolution to pray for love and seek love, and to find love. Thanks for inspiring me yet again, Jane.
I'm so glad you're here, Adrienne! Come on out, it's time to live! It's a fresh year, a brand new beginning, there's so much more of your life to be lived! He wasn't the man of your dreams, my sweet friend, as much as he might have seemed like it, he wasn't there, he wasn't on your same page and no matter how much it seems like it was about you, it wasn't. Sometimes when we can't see this for ourselves, we get some help along the way so that we can't do this to ourselves anymore, to be finally free of someone who isn't right for us, so that we can finally be free to see that someone else who will be. I've got so much to share with you!
Hi Jane,
Happy New Year to you! As I have mentioned to you before, you always seems to have the "right" words and knowing how to make others feel good about the things that can happen. Also that we are not alone! I have spent the last almost 6 years of my life hoping, praying and wanting love....not love in the way that you are loved by your friends and family, but that true "partner" who loves you unconditionally.
My wish is for everyone who is searching for that....to find it and hold on to it. I know I will....
And you will, Melanie; we're going to shake things up, move things around, try some things we've never done before. Making this commitment is how it all begins; refusing to settle, opening ourselves up to receive it all and come along on this journey with me. Everything that your true "partner" will be to you. I had to come to this place, too, Melanie, to where I was done with what I had been doing for far too long, and I wasn't going to settle for anything less than the real thing with someone who understood this, too. Right where you are is where it's going to begin, my beautiful friend. Know that I hear you, that I understand, and that I'm right there with you, telling the world, the universe, God - whatever you believe in - that it's your time, that you're here, and that this time it's going to be different. Happy New Year, Melanie!
Hope this all works out good for the New year.
Hope is a beautiful thing, Crystal; come along and see! 🙂
Count me in. Thanks Jane! You are a blessing!
You're sweet, Vanessa; so glad you're here to join us!
Well i agree of concentrate on one thing first. I did that the whole 2013, focus was on me!
There were ups and downs for me emotionally but It helped!
I am actually feeling good and secure enough to think and say
That i do deserve love and respect.. And I am not going to do it by force, but
Enjoy of meeting new men. I have never done it but i signed up for on
Line dating. Even did a kind of photo shoot with my best friend.
So that I look classy and sexy.
This may increase my chance of finding love and meet new people..
It feels like fun. But on the other hand also excitement and a little bit of scared haha.
I will stay and read your blogs Jane. Because
It helps and leads me in the right direction!
Love this, Maris; doing something different, trying something new, putting yourself out there knowing that you never have to force anything that's right for you. Knowing that this time, it's not you looking to be chosen; it's about you doing the choosing! Something you've figured out so beautifully, Maris, that love and respect is exactly what you deserve, and this new adventure is about you not about anyone else. And know that you are already classy and sexy - it's the photo that only shows what's already there! I've got so much more to share with you! 🙂
I want to comment it just makes me sick in side! I don't trust myself anymore to make the right decisions.
I so hear what you're saying, Sophia. With all you've been through, it's so hard to know which end is up, what you can trust, much less if you can even trust yourself to know how to make the right decisions. It's ok! Wherever you are, whatever you're feeling, it's what makes you that beautiful woman you are. We all have to start somewhere. We're going to get there, to that place where you can trust yourself, where you can be so confident of who you are, of what you have to offer and of how to make sure that the person you're with will be someone truly worthy of you!
I hope so thanks! Jane
Love it, BRD; it is and you are!
Hi Jane. Sounds like a great plan....count me in! 😉
I will! 🙂
i really want to be with you on this journey... thanks for all ...
So glad to have you here, Cynthia, welcome! 🙂
I know it can be scary, intimidating even nauseating. But dont worry il be there holding your hand the entire time, leading the way"
Thank you Jane ......for everything.
You're so welcome, Ann; we're going to get there together!
Hi Jane
I would love to be part of this program because in the last 11 years I've had 5 past relationships and have always ended up with a Mr Wrong & not a Mr Right.
ex #1: well I had a good connection n he was a bad BF to my friend n he'd been out with her for a year n he cheated on my friend so I had a choice, save my friendship with her n give her BF back or have the relationship and not be her friend so I decided to take the friendship n give her BF back because I had been friends with her since primary school (2003)
ex #2: he was very disabled n he couldn't read and was allergic to peanuts n I decided to end it because of his disability and allergy (April - June 2008)
ex #3: i met him in kindy n seemed a very nice guy but it only lasted a month and he dumped me n got me upset for 24 hours (20/11/08 - 20/12/08)
ex #4 he was ok at the start n then he played dirty & did so many bad things n it lasted for 6 months n started to hate him & that's why i broke it off (21/9/2009 - 11/5/10)
ex #5: he was ok but x we got into a r-ship he wasn't romantic n i ended it on my birthday (14/2/13 - 11/613)
in September last year i met a guy in town n been friends with him and he was very caring & sweet guy & started to like him, on NYE 2013 he removed from facebook and i didn't know why he removed me & never told me about it n i knew him since 13/9/13 - Now and been friends since then. i would txt him everyday to see how he's doing n he seems like a very busy guy who would play music at venues n do private performances at places and he's always tired n always said we will talk when things get quieter hopefully. idk whether to wait for him or not to come back on facebook. i always think he's the right 1 but he just wants to be friends first so he doesn't me or him to get hurt when it comes to a r-ship
i really need your help and would love to solve my top priority goal Find Mr right & is it free program or paid 1. i don't do online shopping
i'm from Perth, Western Australia
Courtney 🙂
I so hear where you're coming from, Courtney. You're not alone. We're going to get to the bottom of what's really going on. As always, I'll be offering these tools here on my website, but I'll also be going into much more depth and making it more personal in the online video course I'll be launching at the end of the month. We're going to get there together, Courtney, one step at a time. 🙂
is the course free or paid?
i'm looking forward to the online video course.
While the full course is based on many of the key concepts that I cover here on the website, Courtney, it will go into much more depth on how to apply these concepts in your own life, and will include many detailed exercises that will be applicable to each person individually. It’s a four week online course including video, audio and written materials, and it will be very affordable as I want it to be accessible to as many people as possible. 🙂
I am taking a cue from a meme that says: what if the only resolution you made this year was to love yourself more?
Oh, exactly, I know that's what I need. I'm already doing better than year ago. It doesn't change overnight, it's a long journey but as long as you're heading in the right direction, it's good enough 🙂
Exactly, Jan! One step at a time - no matter how small that step may seem, we all start where we are. 🙂
Exactly, Jackie; that's how it all begins!