We’re glued to the screen.
Wanting to know it worked, that it’s real. They’re getting married. Going on a fabulous honeymoon. Going to start a family and live happily ever after.
The whole package, the real deal.
Think Trista and Ryan of the Bachelorette fame. Think of our obsession with Kate and Prince William. With Jennifer Anniston and others like her.
With movie stars – who’s getting married, who’s not.
We're so sad when it ends because it means it can end for us, too. But when it’s happening, there’s always the hope.
Real hope, real reason to believe it can be like that for us, too. It’s what makes us human, this need for hope, to believe deep down in our souls, to know even the seemingly impossible is possible and that dreams still really do come true.
It’s all about hope.
We all want to believe in the dream, the hope, the happily ever after. If we have hope, it’s everything. It’s the difference between staying in a relationship that’s bad for us, thinking that’s all we deserve and all we can get, and having the strength to let go and move on.
Because without hope we’ll stay, because we think it’s better than nothing; better than the alternative, being alone. But if we have hope, we can hold out for what we really deserve.
We can say goodbye to what isn’t right for us and go on to the next part of our lives with our self-esteem still intact, full of confidence knowing that we are worth it, we are worthy, and it’s only a matter of time before it all happens for us and our dream comes true.
That we are deserving of the kind of man, the kind of relationship that honors us: the goddess within, the spirit/essence of who we really are.
That’s what real hope can do.
That’s the power of hope. And that’s the gift, the message, that I want every single one of you to have so that you can believe in yourself, too. Because you do have worth, you are worthy; you are already the chosen one even if you’re not chosen by a “him” – yet.
Just because you were born; just because you exist.
Because if you can understand that, if you really get that deep down in your heart of hearts, then you will know what you are worthy of and you will know that it’s not this. Not this guy you’re putting up with just so you can feel worthy.
He’s not a bad guy. He’s just not the one for you.
You have it all, you just don’t know it yet. But you will. One step at a time.
Because this isn’t about him as much as it’s about you. And it’s only by looking at yourself and seeing who you really are that you can begin to see the beauty of you.
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