My first post on my blog…created solely for you.
For us. For all of us.
All of us women of all ages, from all walks of life, all kinds of backgrounds who are all alike in our desire to finally get it right and find true love.
And no matter where you’ve been, no matter what mistakes you’ve made, no matter how you got here, the entire reason I created this website is so that you would have a place where you could feel safe to be you.
A place where you could feel like you are finally home.
A place where you could feel supported by other women who get what you’re going through, share in what you’re looking for, and feel so much of the similar feelings you feel. A place where we can be real and talk about our dreams, our hopes, our heartbreaks, our high points, our low points, and whatever else we want to talk about as we seek to learn from each other and empower each other along this path to true love.
My hope in creating this site is to impart to you the hope and understanding and compassion that has come to me through what I’ve learned about the journey to true love through my own experience and others who’ve enlightened me along my path.
My desire is that you will be able to take away insights and enlightened moments to light your path and guide your journey so that, unlike me, you will not have to learn everything the hard way. My own blind, naïve journey in search of true love was a journey filled with heartbreak, disappointment and despair, with everything I learned occurring after the fact.
It's my hope that in sharing pieces of my journey and what I learned along the way, you will have the benefit of having these insights before you experience the kinds of heartbreak that I did.
And to know that someone understands exactly what you’re going through, how you’re feeling and why no one else seems to get you.
I do! I get you.
I’ve been through it all, from the lowest depths of heartbreak to the final chapter where I found the true love of my life. Right at the same moment when he was ready for me and not one moment before.
I now know why it happened for me, and why it happened when it did – and that’s the reason that I know it can happen for you, too. It turns out that you, and only you, hold the key to open that door.
So come along, and let’s get started on this new and exciting journey together.
Think of it not so much as the desperate and impossible quest it can sometimes feel like, but of a wonderful and exciting journey that is all about fate preparing you for the one it is also preparing for you!
Let’s throw off the covers, dust off our dancing shoes, throw out the junk food, take a break from the shopping and all the others things we’ve been hiding behind and let’s get out there and discover who we really are, what we’re really looking for and start living the life that we were born to live.
Let’s start at the beginning where we remember our worth, claim our birthright, and start realizing that we are beautiful, lovable, worthy women simply because we are, and not because we have to do anything to prove ourselves worthy.
I know it really happens, not just in fairy tales.
I now know exactly how, why and when it happens, and I can help it happen to you, too. I’m living proof that dreams still really do come true for people like us!
It’s true, even if you aren’t feeling it … yet.
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