If you're ready to give up, I'll give up with you.
I'll stand beside you, I'll be right there with you. You won't be alone. We'll do this together.
You don't have to try so hard anymore. You don't have to keep the struggle alive.
The fact that it's so much of a struggle at all is telling you something.
Let go. Let it all go.
Turn it over to God or the Universe or some higher power that's always partnering WITH you for what's best FOR you.
Stop trying so hard. Start over.
A roof over your head. Food & water. Heat and cooling. It's Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. You start with the basics. Physical/physiological needs.
Safety. Security. Within yourself. From you, not anyone else. You can't have the rest without making sure you have those.
Now you're ready to make a plan to get all your other needs met. You're here, now. Stay with me.Continue Reading
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