If last night was another night you couldn't sleep because of something you said or did that you can't let go of (because of how messed up everything became after the fact), it's time you had some grace and compassion and understanding for you.
Yes, you.
See, you have it for everyone else. You go out of your way to excuse and understand and see the best in and give everyone else you're invested in, the benefit of the doubt. But for you, it's a different story.
There's no compassion or grace in the way you look at your imperfections. There's only judgement and disdain for how you look upon what you should have known better and should have done differently instead of what you did.
So when he called you out on the very thing you were trying to prevent, when he turned it on you because you were trying so hard to be perfect you forgot you were human, too, it only added insult to injury on how you were already feeling about yourself.
Let it go.Continue Reading
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