I’ve got some breaking news for you; you don’t need a guy to live your life.
You don’t need a guy to have a world to fit into. You don’t need a guy to feel like you can start living. It’s what you choose to make of it.
You can keep waiting, hoping for the right guy to hurry up and come along and rescue you from your current life because you think it’s easier to find yourself in someone else’s ready-made life than make one of your own.
But the price you pay for that is your self-esteem, your worth, your confidence, your you.
Did someone forget to tell you that you can be anything you want to be? You can! You can do anything, be anything, achieve anything, if you believe in yourself that you can.
Hear me on this one.
The only reason that you can’t do something is because you don’t believe you can! Do you get that?Continue Reading
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