If you've noticed there's a theme to my messages, my stories, and just about everything else I share with you, you're absolutely right.
It's the theme that says "There's nothing wrong with you; it's the wrong people in your life that's the problem!"
And while many of you push back on that because you've been so ingrained in taking personal responsibility for yourself and your actions to the point where you're the only one who's required to do that and everyone else gets off with an excuse, it's precisely by recognizing this theme as being true for you that you'll be able to take proper responsibility for yourself without the distraction of picking yourself apart like you've gotten so used to doing in the search for your answers!
Without this distraction, without this martyrdom, you can look at what's really going on, you can look at what you can actually fix - removing those people from your life who don't belong, getting to the root of why you attract them in the first place and keep holding on to them even when you know they're wrong for you - and you can finally put all that time and energy you spend on self-flagellation to something actually productive; building and creating one gorgeous life for yourself that the perfect guy for you is going to see so clearly as the one ready for him to walk into.
So stop the "I deserve this, this is my punishment, I'm not good enough, there's something so wrong with me" lament. I've been here. I know how hard this is to break!
Wherever you've been, whatever you've gone through, you can pick yourself up right now, right here, say enough is enough and begin this new day like it's the first of a new life.
Even in the midst of circumstances that haven't changed, you can still say I'm starting over with a fresh, clean slate today!
Love you, girl! I'm over here if you need me. You don't have to walk this path alone!
How about you, Gorgeous? Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts, feelings and stories down below in the comments!
Everyday all I do is go back and fourth and I feel like he is everything and all he does is get farther away I hate I feel so attached to him
Thank you... I could use some inspiration right now! Bless you!♥️
After a life time of not feeling good about myself, this is a hard habit to break. Kids at school (40 years ago) teased and bullied me so much over how I looked. It has ruined my life. I feel like that ugly bullied child still today. I put up with bad treatment from men just to get a few crumbs of attention. Latest guy has always cheated on me with other women, but I put up with it because I love him. Does he live me? I doubt it. He uses me. I think I am broken and will never be able to heal.
Yes! I always seem to get the raw end of the deal! But I get what your saying! Thank-you