Anyone need a little hope today?
Because there's no feeling of hope when you're in the thick of it. Not when it feels like nothing is ever going to get better because you can't get past every little mistake you made, every wrong path, every choice you should have made so differently.
That's the only thing that's clear when you're here.
Every choice you made that you regret making because of where it led, every "mistake" you think you made, every thing you ever did that gave you a different outcome than the one you wanted that path to lead to, makes it's so hard to believe that it's BECAUSE of those things that you're going to get to a different place that's actually the place you want to be!
But that's exactly my point.
See, there are so many different roads to the same place. Pick one, any one.
Pick the one that makes the most sense to you right now. Or pick the one that your heart tells you to right now.
That's not so hard, right?
It's only the second-guessing part that makes it so much harder and so much more difficult to decide on!
Choose that one, run with it, because if it isn't the best choice for you, you'll know soon enough because it won't feel right, it won't lead where you thought it would or in some other way you're going to know this wasn't the one.
And then, from that experience, you're going to be able to see far more clearly where you want to go next, what you want to choose now.
It's the same thing with that next choice, and the one after that and the next one after that until you are so clear you find what you were looking for all along right there in front of you.
Are you following this?
It's only our thoughts and our feelings about what we've done through the programmed viewpoint we've acquired along the way that says we somehow have to choose right the first time, or make the ultimate decision right from the start with no experience to tell us otherwise.
That's not how this works!
Pick one, try it on for size. If it fits, great, keep it. If it doesn't, take what worked and apply it to the next one, learn from what didn't work and try the next one out to make sure it doesn't include that.
The stakes are only as high as our programming makes them. You're still in control!
What if you weren't holding yourself to such an impossibly perfect standard no one can live up to? What if you stopped all the judgement and pressure you put on yourself about getting this perfect so you can prove something to the world the first time around?
What is that? It's programming and conditioning and holding ourselves to standards that have us giving up before we've even begun the best part of the journey!
Pick one. Go with your gut. Don't wait.
Go live!
The point isn't what you can see all the way ahead from here; it's everything you're going to discover and refine for yourself along the way to a place that you can't yet see from where you are today.
I've got you, Beautiful. Stay with me. One of these steps at a time.
Ask anyone who's gone down this road we learned to call the hard way, it's not. Looking back, it's the only way!
It's your turn.
What one thing are you going to pick right now to move forward? One thing. Go with the first thing your gut says. And then tell me all about it in the comments below!
I have no idea what you just said but I want to ...