I received the most inspiring email the other day from one of our beautiful readers who initially wrote to me just over a year ago, heartbroken over yet another guy. At the time she was wondering, like so many of us have, what to do about a guy who just isn't ready for that commitment, someone who was giving her mixed signals and suddenly turned cold and distant.
It took a while, but she finally let go and was eventually able to leave that all behind.
Now, about a year later, she was writing to tell me that this time around she decided to try something different. She gave someone a chance who she normally wouldn't have, someone she previously didn't consider her type, to see what might happen with a different kind of guy. Essentially she changed her thinking about what to look for in a guy.
I'm happy to tell you that she’s fallen in love and now they’re getting married.
Since her initial story was so familiar, one I've heard countless times (and experienced myself) I realized that it could have been any one of us. It really got me thinking about how important it is to simply choose the right kind of guy, and often that means veering away from the types of guys we are typically drawn towards.Continue Reading
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