Out of all the tips and tricks you read about everywhere you look these days, there's just one thing that makes anything "work" for you.
It's you!
Remember the phrase, if you could see yourself the way someone who loves you sees you, you would never EVER allow yourself to be treated this way? That's it!
Find someone in your life who sees you like this and hold that vision they have for you.
They don't see you being used, they don't see you being treated the way you allow yourself to be treated. They see you being loved!
It's like learning to ride a bike with training wheels, then someone holds the bike for you when you're ready to take them off. They become the training wheels, steadying you until you're riding by yourself. And before you know it, you're flying high because they let go!
They were only holding you until you felt confident enough in your own ability to do it for yourself.
Who's that person for you?
A friend, a family member, a therapist/counsellor, a coach, an advocate of some kind? It doesn't even have to be someone in real life. It can be an author of a book who you resonate so much with you feel the vision they would hold for you.
It can be the voice of someone who's no longer with you who had a vision for you that you never understood until now. It can be someone who gave you some advice you never forgot who saw you like this even if you couldn't see it for yourself at the time.
Find that person. Hold onto their vision for you.
Live your life like this person who gives you this feeling of love sees you living your life. Hold onto their vision of love and life for you until it becomes your own.
Just like when you didn't know you could ride a bike without their help or those training wheels, it won't be long before you're living your life in a way you never believed possible before!
Now tell me who it is for YOU! Who sees you this way? Tell me right here in the comments. Love you, girl!
my Grandparents. Sylvia, Mois - i grew up raised by them, in the Amazon of Brazil.
Patricia Neal. She was a wonderful friend in my early years in the Biz.
Dionne Warwick.
my friend Lisa. -- Green, Silvana
and others, many other great friends and family. I have to remember them. thank you.
Love these beautiful people for you, Jesse!!
My twin sister Brenda
There's something about a twin - always wished I had one. Lucky you!
My grandmother. But also my own present self whenever I imagine myself as a little girl with hopes and dreams and full of trust in the world and in what is to come. I want to protect her and encourage her.
Love your grandmother, EC - and this sweet vision you hold of protecting yourself as a little girl. Precious!
We love Scott for you! 🙂