All those things you think you should have done differently, everything you think would have made all the difference in the world, the truth is it wouldn't have changed a thing.
Because if someone has such impossible expectations of you to expect that you are only worthy if you are perfect, then believe me, you don't want any part of them!
You've tried being everything to all people and especially his kind of people.
Where has it gotten you? Has it brought you any closer to the kind of love you yearn for?
Or has it only brought you more pain, more hurt, more trying to measure up to someone else's standards who, for all their potential in the world, likely has no clue about love?
And yet THIS is who you're pining for? This is who you can't let go of?
It's the idea of him that you can't let go of. It's the idea that you weren't enough, or you failed again, or whatever other stories we tell ourselves to try to make some sense of it all. But it's always at our expense that these stories spin their tale.
Refuse to take it on. Refuse to carry what was never yours to carry.
You want someone real, Beautiful. Someone to hold your hand. Someone to share your heart. Someone who makes you feel like you're finally home.
You want something real, not the show. Real love could never be so cruel to give you a heart like yours and no one to share it with. Don't accept that it could be and I promise you as someone who's been here, you'll never, EVER have to.
Does this resonate with you? Are you so tired of taking on what was never yours in the first place? Tell us all about it in the comments below. I see you today.
All the men whom have strolled through my life are either booty calls, show narcissistic traits, way too effeminate or completely unemotionally available men. Mr. Right? None of them.
So now you know precisely the kind of guy you're attracted to, Tanja. They're all the same. Time to be open to someone completely different - who doesn't give you the usual early thrill these guys provide you with. You're more in control here than you realize - they don't get to be this close to you!
I'm tired of men telling me they love me then pushing me away as soon as someone else comes along but pretending they still love me cuz they always have to have two people in case one leaves but telling ME I'm the only one.
Sums up my life the past 2 years. Never enough, never good enough, never give enough, totally unappreciated.
Don't let anyone outside of you determine your worth, Melody. They're not how you measure whether you're enough. They're your measure of whether you're with the wrong ones for you!
I tried SO hard..I had no indication he was going to end it..but hes not really ending it..he still wants to talk..have sex..but wants to explore if theres something better...he leaves the door open that he MAY regret this in 6 mos or a yr and come groveling back..weve done sooo much..had sooo much fun and have sooo much in common...why is he always striving for better..i cant imagine shes out there.
Yes it’s hard to find true love after a marriage . Of 19 years too fine out he’s seeing other woman. For dont know how long. It really hard’s but after 7 1/2 years alone too get my self together and racing my tow Dorther’s
I’ve found a very sweet man that’s a lawyer but the problem is he go’s out of town a lot and we see each other when we can.but we have talk about being together with he retires in 9 years.. but I don’t know if it’s help me with the long wait...
August of 2016 I went to a bar by myself to unwind. I had just went through a bad break up eith someone who was controlling & verbally abusive. I started talking to a bar tender I had known her for a while. Their was a guy at the bar it was pretty packed & somehow I got him in on my conversation. He bought me a beer we kept talking I remember when he stood up I was like damn he's so tall. We went outside to smoke& kept talking. I think I told him my whole life story. We've been madly in love&together ever since. He's my soul mate! So when your not looking for love it's surprisingly finds you!
I never felt that he was interested in all of me but I pursued thinking I could change his mind. He treated me well when I was there but the next day texted that we were going too far. I stupidly didn't confront.him but pushed on hoping he would soften.
He never did.
You are right, I have met someone who wants to learn about me and is very kind.
I'm being very cautious, time will tell.
So true so tired it’s hard when you had a gr at love and it was ripped away ..so you try for something close to it and never is
Wanted a life time partner I seem to say the wrong things or dnt respond in the rights ways to get him overly obsessed with me to love me for me