No one ever tells you how uncomfortable, how completely out of your comfort zone it’s going to be for you to learn a new language that includes the “I” statements you’ve never learned.
“I feel.”
“I need.”
“I want.”
“I hear.”
“I know.”
“I am.”
“I’m not.”
The list goes on and on.
Such simple words. Such foreign words. You mean I have a voice?
These are owning words. Words that free you because you own who you are, you don't hide from where you've been or what you've been through. Words that tell the world about the real you but also carry risk, because yes, they do define you.
This is the very thing you fear. Being known for who you are when that's not what someone else wants you to be.
Will they still love you? Will they still want you? Will they still accept you if you speak your own mind? If you live by your own truth? If you follow your own set of rules?
The ones you want will. The rest never matter in the end.
This is how you find a love like no other, a love that’s meant for you and only you.
You can’t find that kind of love without first knowing yourself, without being that self, without showing up with that true self.
Let them stay, let them go. Five, ten, twenty years down the road from now, what will matter is that you showed up. That you knew who you were and what you’re all about.
How else can anyone find you if you can’t find yourself?
How else can the ones who adore you, celebrate you, choose you - how can they find you if you're living someone else's life instead of your own?
The world needs you. You! Yes, you! More of you, not less of you.
Don't run away and hide when the world seems too heavy or too dark. It's only because you haven't met the right ones for you. It's only because you're surrounded by all the wrong ones.
In one of my live group coaching sessions this past weekend, every woman there had something unique to offer that made all the difference between being present and being seen.
Be seen for who you are, for what you have to offer, and don't ever buy into the narrative that has you dimming that shine because it doesn't fit into the mold you were told you had to fit into to be loved.
I see you right where you are and I adore you just for being here, just as you are! Can you see yourself that way, too?
How about you? I'd love to hear about your journey so far in the comments below. You're a gift, girl. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise just because they're incapable of seeing you. You're the prize!
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