If there's one thing I want you to take from what I have to say today, it's this:
It won't always be this way.
Most of how we respond, operate and act is based on the completely wrong assumption that it's always going to be this way.
That nothing is going to get better, we're never going to have the life we want, the new guy is never going to turn into the right guy, and that new job, new career opportunity is never going to happen for us.
It belies whatever we're saying on the surface because it's so deeply embedded in our subconsciousness. You don't even realize it's there except by the fact that nothing changes, nothing gets better, the new guy never turns into the right guy, and that new career opportunity never materializes.
See what happened there?
Nothing changes because we don't actually believe anything is capable of changing. For all our hope, for all our words to the contrary, our actual actions keep creating more and more of the same.
Because of that subconscious belief system again!
But things DO change.
In fact, that's all we ever have every single day of our lives. We wake up to a new day. We wake up to a choice to do something different that day. We wake up to all the potential in the world that day. We wake up to new opportunities for ALL of us, not just a a select chosen few.
So today, when you're reading this, no matter how lost you're feeling right now, remember that the only thing you know for sure is the one constant that things DO change.
All the time.
No matter how much it seems like they haven't before, no matter how much evidence you have to the contrary, the truth is that the opportunity for things to be different - for any part of your life to be different - is always there if you're ready for a different response to it.
No matter what you're going through, no matter what seems to be the same as yesterday, even if you have nothing different to offer than a change in your attitude, your mindset, your outlook; that in itself has the potential to be life-changing!
See, you're going to be just fine. I know you will.
In fact, it's when you're feeling lost in the first place that's the only time you can ever become found. When you follow your own heart and stop listening to everyone else who believes they know better than you do, that's when you finally find your place, that's when change finally happens.
Yes, I'm talking about change happening for you!
Don't despair that this seems so hard. It won't always be this way.
It's because learning these things matters so much. Like learning that it's only when you let go of what everyone else thinks you should do that you discover you've known all along the very best thing for you to do.
Like discovering that the only way you ever know is by admitting you don't. And admitting you don't is the only way to find out you always do and you always did.
It's a beautiful thing to hear your own heart, to listen for a change, to let it drown out the voice of the world so you can learn to dance to the beat of your own drum. If there was ever a place for you, it's there. Right there. Far away from everyone who isn't you, who can't know what's best for you.
Maybe once you've danced long enough to the beat of your own drum, you'll discover you've never answered to anyone at all! That all that matters is what you do right now, in response to what seems like it's always been this way, with a response that says, no, I don't want today or tomorrow to be another "it's always been this way."
Just last week, someone posted a comment on here about how her entire life changed simply because she changed her mindset to "I'm the prize." It was so foreign to her but she found a way to push through and embody that shift in mindset every time a response was called for.
Instead of doing what she always did, she operated from that new mindset and you know what happened? Her life changed. She met the right one - her own new guy that turned out to be the right guy for her. And she's getting married next year.
You know how that happened? She took one phrase I'm always pushing on here, "You're the prize!", and she made it her own.
She lived it, she embodied it, she held fast to it even when the old fear kicked in that she should be more accommodating, more understanding, more whatever her programming was that she needed to do (the old pattern back again) in order to get the guy.
You're not about GETTING a guy, Beautiful. You're about attracting someone who's ready for a real life relationship who's looking for someone just like you. Just like she did.
It takes courage to break away from the crowd, to do something out of your comfrot zone (read: "out of your programming") and conditioning about what you're SUPPOSED to do.
You know what you get when you do that? A new life. A new guy. A new career. Happiness. Marriage. Your dreams coming true.
Not out of nothing. Out of something. Something real. A shift. A change. A new mindset.
No, things don't stay the same. It won't always be this way because you won't always settle for things always being this same way!
How about you? What are you tired of attracting, tired of seeing, tired of having happen over and over again? Let's change that starting today. It's time for a new mindset! What if you're the prize? What if you deserve so much more than you've been settling for - and this time, you were ready to actually stop settling and do something about it? I'm here for you - send me an email or get support from all of us here in the comments below.
I'm ready for change lm ready to believe lm the prize and l deserve everything my heart desires but sadly when l look in the mirror l don't believe it
I am tired of being sick and not getting the proper answers