Who is this man who holds so much power over you?
Who is he really?
Is he some kind of superhuman? Some kind of god? Some kind of idol?
Someone so amazing, so incredible that he can affect you the way he does?
Look again. A little closer this time. Through the eyes of reality, not of potential.
He’s actually the opposite isn't he? He’s actually very human.
And to anyone else, he isn't really anything special at all. In fact, he’s the one they see so much more clearly than you. They see what he can’t give you. They see how sad you are so often. They see what you put yourself through time and time again in the name of what you always call love, just because you see something in him that they never will.
But you don’t see him that way at all.
The very things that they see and would give them reason to run, you see and it beckons you to come.
He’s the one no one else quite understands the way you do.
He’s the one you feel. He’s the one you sense.Continue Reading
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