I'll be the first to agree that sometimes our "aha" moments come to us in the most unusual of places.
Like recently, when I was sitting in the audience at our local high school annual holiday concert. Listening to the beautiful music being played and sung by these talented young students in the band, the choir, and the orchestra, I realized I had lived my own student years in all the wrong places.
Here in this place where the music touched my soul and made me feel like everything was all right in the world (and especially with me!) it all suddenly became so clear.
With a clarity I never had before, I realized exactly what happened during those formative years that now seem so long ago.
You see, without even knowing it, the words from my older, popular sister (who I secretly aspired to be like) had influenced where I went, where I didn't go, who I was friends with, and who I wasn't friends with.
Five years before me, when my older sister entered high school and had the option to choose band and choir or art and drama, I had overheard her and her friends referring to all the kids who took art and drama as cool and popular, while the ones taking band and choir were described as the opposite.
I never forgot their words.Continue Reading
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