We can feel so lost sometimes. We wonder when love will find us, how it will happen, and what it will look like, and we forget just how much in control of our lives and our search for love we really are. Yes, fate or the Universe or God, or whatever you believe in, may all play a role and ultimately step in and help guide our path and the path of our true love when we are both ready to find each other, but there is so much more to our story.
There is a part that we are so very much in control of that we can do everything about. It begins with a decision that you can do something right here, right now, beginning with today. You can begin to live a whole new life with the beautiful, wonderful, loving person that is the real you. You can decide right now that you are going to begin anew, right where you are, and see where this new path may lead.
It begins with getting in touch with who you are and all that you have to offer. It always means more when you put it down in writing, so write a love letter to yourself. Tell yourself everything you love about yourself, everything that makes you beautiful and wonderful and special and unique. Describe in detail those things that you do and those qualities you possess that give you that spring in your step and make you feel alive when you do them. Remind yourself of all of your accomplishments, big or small. This exercise is about reminding you of who you are and all the beautiful attributes you possess that make you uniquely you. It's to remind you that you deserve to be loved!
The next step is to make a list. Write out everything you have ever wanted to do but didn't think you could or didn't have time, or were told you couldn't do for whatever reason - all the way back to your earliest childhood memories. Try a new sport, take a dance class, learn to play the cello,whatever it may be. Even if you’re not sure if you could really do it, include it anyway. This isn't about limiting yourself; it’s about exploring everything you've ever even thought about doing. Even if it seems silly! Then go out there and try one or two.
One of the things I've found that always seems to put my own life in perspective is to give back to others who are in so many ways less fortunate. So I would encourage you to consider volunteering for something you're passionate about. How would you change the world if you could do anything? If money was no object and if there were no limits on what you could accomplish? How could you make a difference? Most importantly, what are you passionate about? Begin there by answering those questions and see where that takes you.
Wherever you feel you could you make that difference in the world, start in your local community. Take the time to explore this, to ask yourself these questions and find out what you really care about and where you would really enjoy making a difference in the lives of others. There are so many possibilities to explore!
Sometimes, we just have to get creative and look outside of the box to find our own answers. You are never too old to begin again, to live your life at the beginning, like the little girl inside you that so many of us forget is always there waiting for her turn to show you all that she’s capable of, if only she's given half a chance. When we connect with that part of ourselves that knows all this, that just needs a reminder; we find a real kind of living. The kind where the possibilities seem endless and don’t hinge on us being in the right place at the right time, waiting for life to reward us.
Instead, we find a rich journey full of so much life and love because we go after it, we go exploring that part of ourselves that knows all of this. There is no secret to this seeking of love and a life worth living that makes everything else in the world rise up to meet us. It’s right there, right in front of you beginning today right where you are, wherever that may be.
Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. People defy the odds and statistics all the time. This is about you stepping out and finding out that it is at the intersection of your fullest life and your greatest outpouring of love, there waiting for you is exactly the one your heart and soul have been looking for all this time.
And you, my beautiful friend, deserve nothing less than this!
Let me quote you "ld really do it, include it anyway. This isn't about limiting yourself; it’s about exploring everything you've ever even thought about doing. Even if it seems silly! Then go out there and try one or two."
This article is very kind and up lifting my spirit.
So true when you sea all the things you can explore and still
Do. I get this exciting feeling to explore and discover more.
It sometimes shocks me how much there is inside what can excite
You. Instead of being kind of obsessed about dating or man ... Or feeling
Sad / complicated... And because of it sometimes feeling insecure or weird.
I have never known that their were so many subjects and things that
Interested me. I even feel and see more opportunities then when I was a
Child. By this I don't mean getting rich or big goals.
But the idea that the world is so big and that you can decide how to spend your
Time now on earth with the tools/gifts that you have. And do good and what feels good.
Be blessed Jane.
I'm so glad this one resonated so deeply with you, Maris. This is exactly how life is meant to feel, when fueled by your own passions, by your own curiosity, by your own discoveries of how much more there is to life and living than waiting, than looking for someone outside of you to fill you up and give you your life to live. It's in the choosing of you, of your own life, before anyone else, that you discover exactly what you have. Beautiful to hear it in your own words, Maris. Thank you. You inspire me!
Thanks Jane for reminding us that we need to work from a loving space within us for beautiful things to start happening in our life.It is truly empowering for me to know that i can choose to do so.When you make a choice to think and act in love instead of fear you somehow find that life gives you more of the same . Although i havent ARRIVED, '' I find myself today in a comfortable place where i trust that I have everything i need . I am now looking at options of educating young girls in school on how to keep safe as this is a major issue in India. Thanks for the wonderful support and for the voice that says" you can make it'.
So glad to hear you're in such a great space, Ann; I absolutely love that you have chosen the safety of young girls in India as a cause to pursue. What a wonderful focus! One of my own personal biggest regrets is that I didn't spend my single years advocating for children in some capacity instead of wasting so much time and energy trying to find a man and pursuing a career that wasn't really me. I had no idea then how much of a difference I could have made in some young lives if I had only known. So how wonderful that you are using this time to focus on something as important as these young girls that will so benefit from whatever form your support and involvement takes. Thanks for sharing.
Great thoughts Jane. I'd add that once you've got your list together do not be overwhelmed. Choose the one or two activities you want to change and make baby steps towards them rather than worrying about the end goal. When you're in a fragile, negative space your inner voice may be saying "what's the point in doing that, you'll never be any good anyway and certainly not as good as X". So if you approach it with baby steps you can benchmark your progress and get an uplift from the week by week improvements you make. It's a journey after all so don't obsess about the destination as its the travel that's the fun part.
Have a great weekend
So true, Grace; thanks for this reminder. It really is about taking baby steps and and going at your own speed. Each of our stories will be different, just as each of our journeys is different as well. It's not about any "right" way of going about this; it's the concept of living one's life without waiting for life to happen for our lives to begin.