"I'm ready to do the work" she said. "I'm ready to fix this."
"I sabotaged it - I was so insecure and anxious. I did this. Now I only have myself to blame. Can you help me get him back?"
It wasn't her fault. And no, it didn't require any more "working on herself".
Because it wasn't hers to fix.
She hadn't sabotaged it. She was insecure and anxious BECAUSE he gave her reason to be. NOT because she was this way for no reason.
She didn't do this. She wasn't to blame.
If she wanted him back, it would only take her doing one thing - freeing herself.
We freed her on that call.
We freed her from the chains of bondage she'd been wearing forever.
She didn't need anyone to do this to her. She'd been doing it to herself already.
All she did was tell me in detail. She let it all flow out.
She wasn't the first. And she wouldn't be the last.
This is how we do this, girl. We free you from the chains that bind you.
We take this spirit of bondage you've been given and give you wings to soar like an eagle.
We free you from ever taking back the blame, the bondage, the fear.
Ever again.
Please run as fast as you can and as far away from this man as possible. Everybody is beautiful and trust me, you will find the right one who treats you like a Queen but you won’t get the chance as long as you pine over this hurtful, mean person who is sucking your life away.
Thank you for this, Shaun. Yes, she absolutely will!
After 2.5 years together off/on, I texted my bf yesterday that I was moving on. I pray that I am strong enough to forget about him and all the times he hurt me or belittled me. He lead the relationship - calling or texting when it was convenient for him. If I called, he never answered. The same with texts - he could take hours to hear back or it might be never at all. Which always upset me because he always has his phone in his hands. I am left feeling exhausted, lonely, sad, doubtful. I used to teach for 12 years but I am now on disability because of my anxiety therefore I feel like I’m “less than” because I am not working. Ironically, he is a mental health nurse. He never took me on a date because he said I wasn’t pretty enough. I figure he might be the only one that would “settle” for me. I am really struggling. My head knows I did the right thing but my heart is hurting and wants to contact him. One time he ghosted me for 5 months and asked me if I had “learned my lesson”. How do I stay away. My friends and I are disconnected because I let him isolate me and they hate how he treats me. Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Please, go easy, I have a super sensitive heart.
Friend, Proverbs 31:10-31 “A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds.” The beauty of your heart shines through in your message. You are worthy of love and it will come! You did the right thing! It may be hard to move forward, but you must! Feel your feelings- make a list of what you liked about him and what you didn’t, and the bad will outweigh the good for sure! Use the list of what was good to focus on what you want with your next man. When you feel like contacting him, review the list of what was wrong. You can do this! You will look back in a few months and be so happy!
This is beautiful, Keri- Lyn. Thank you. ❤
This is such abuse to your beautiful heart, Stuck. Email me directly if you even THINK about actually going back to him. "Learned my lesson" isn't about anything loving, it's about sadistic power and control. You can do this! And I will be here for you, walk through this with you to make sure you do! Wrapping my arms around you, girl. I've got a line of women I've walked through situations like this and I can tell you there's a whole other life waiting for you that won't ever include the words 'less than' anywhere near you. I will never give up on you! ❤