Remember last January? 2020 was supposed to be your year.
The year that would be different.
The year that was supposed to give way to your dreams, your plans.
It was supposed to be the year you met him, or the year you finally left him, or the year you went back to school, the year you got that promotion, the year you quit your job, the year you stood up to him, the year you stopped letting what everyone thinks of you control so much of your life.
Except it wasn’t.
None of those things happened the way you expected them to. Nothing went as planned. In fact 2020 was quite the opposite, wasn't it?
So now, here you are. Looking back on the last 12 months, and if you're like most of us, glad it's over.
I’ve got a message for you here, Beautiful.
This week, right now, this is a new beginning. And it’s the feeling of a new beginning that matters. Just like any new beginning, the power of a new year can have a motivating effect of having a clean slate, a fresh start.
I want you to stop putting all this pressure on yourself to make this coming year anything more than what it is.
A brand new year. A brand new start. A chance to start with that clean slate.
But this year, let's try something different. All those things we’re supposed to do and supposed to be, I want to take all that pressure off of you and ask you to simply resolve to be.
It’s a verb. An action word. To be.
It’s an action in itself. It’s choosing simply to be.
To be true to yourself. To be yourself. To clarify what it means to do exactly that.
To discover for yourself what it means to be you.
To have your own needs. To allow yourself to need what you need. To want what you want.
To give yourself the right to be every part of all of you!
Underneath it all, there’s something that matters more than the practical. It's the mindset underneath.
What does this look like for you?
You prioritize what you're looking for. You prioritize what matters to you. You prioritize what you want to see happen this year.
You make those priorities and then you make plans for making those priorities a reality.
But not by shaming yourself for what hasn't happened yet. Not by shoulding on yourself for everything you should have been able to do but haven't been able to yet.
Do it with love, not judgement.
With grace and understanding and compassion instead.
By adding the words, If I decide to, I will. If I choose to, I'll make that choice.
Empowering words that matter to our hearts, to our energy, to our souls.
Not, what's wrong with me?! Not, I should have and I'm so mad at myself because I didn't!
Take those lessons and learn from them, sure. But in the rest of this, go easy with yourself.
It took you your whole life to learn the things you've been programmed to believe about yourself and love and relationships. It's going to be more than a quick fix to change this for you, but I'm here for you and we'll do this together!
Here's to an amazing 2021, Beautiful! I'll be with you every step of the way!
What was 2020 supposed to be for you? What do you want to see this next year for you, without the pressure, without the shoulds, with embracing all of you?! Tell us below in the comments!
Take an honest look at my self get out of my comfort zone and take a few risk. Make it a priority and put in the effort. I have to know my strength to be able to play them. I’m getting there.Thank you Jane.
That's it, Olive. You've got this! So many strengths we've considered liabilities or worse - you can't fully be you without seeing yourself for all that you actually are!
How does one move on emotionally and mentally when you have someone in your life that you have 'unfinished business'. We met 3 years ago and timing due to circumstance did not allow for an emotional relationship. However to this day we have always had a connection and constant, open communication. I know I cannot move forward with any other relationship until my heart and mind can disconnect. How do I do that.....stuck in a rut!
You unpack exactly what that "unfinished business" is, Darlene. It's a choice to have unfinished business, even when it feels like it's not. It serves you somehow, even as you might fight it, saying it doesn't serve you at all and only makes you miserable. Break it down into pieces that you do have control over. There's more than we've been programmed to believe!
I want to be the person I know I can be all the time..I want to marry MY MYSTERY MAN..I want to live life with no regrets..most of all I just want HAPPINESS!!
Go get it, girl! And be that person you know you can be all the time - the key is to figure out why you can't and then look that in the eye and tell it you can!