When you don't know exactly what you want, when you don't know exactly what you're worth, when you don't know exactly what you deserve, you get exactly that.
A little of this, a little of that, but never what you're actually looking for - and what you actually want - underneath it all.
When you say "I'll see what I like, I'll see what I want", that's when you get EVERYTHING because now you're going to need to narrow it down.
Because the reality is, you actually do have preferences. You actually do have behaviors you won't tolerate.
That's why you're getting the ones you do, because if you don't first have that inner clarity, you're going to get a chance to find it - and that's usually not what we want, but it's what we get because it's what we need.
Sorting through is this process we're in.
Will you accept this? No, then how about this? Still not right? Ok, what about this?
Where are those boundaries you've never allowed yourself to have? The faster you go through this process, the more clarity you're going to have to get to what you actually want!
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