What is it that keeps us putting up with things we never EVER in a million years imagined we'd be putting up with?
What has us turning a blind eye, not wanting to see the truth that's right there in front of us if we allow ourselves to see? What has us believing words when the actions – the proof – show us the real story?
What keeps us so in denial?
What keeps us constantly coming back for more?
What keeps us always looking at his potential instead of reality?
What keeps us continually going back and back again for more, in the hopes that this time it's going to finally be different?
Every single day my inbox fills up with your heartbreaking letters, detailing exactly how and why you gave like you did, why you overlooked everything you did, why you did everything you thought you're supposed to do when you've met someone who gives you so much of what you believe you're looking for.Continue Reading
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