Here's what you need to know to get him to respect your boundaries.
Looking back, I realize that one of the things that most contributed to my many rocky relationship roller coaster rides was the whole thing about boundaries, or, more accurately, the lack thereof.
Although there are many different definitions and ideas out there about what boundaries are and aren’t (and a whole bunch of self-help books on that exact subject to go along with it), the simplest way to think of boundaries regarding these relationships we’re in is this question: At what point do we stand up and let someone know we are not okay with something they are doing?
Sound simple?
It’s not. In fact, it's far from simple.
See, here’s the thing. If we had been letting our partner know at what point we were no longer okay with something he’s doing that we don’t like, letting him know exactly what we won’t tolerate and won’t put up with, he would have had three choices:
1.) Respect that boundary and stop doing it.
2.) Negotiate with us about it, or
3.) Ignore us and keep doing it, in which case we would have to decide for ourselves if we are going to stick to our boundary and truly stand up for ourselves.
But here’s the problem with this that I’ve discovered along my journey, and it really is a big problem for so many of us: in order to set a boundary, in order for us to actually have boundaries at all, we have to
a.) Know ourselves.
b.) We have to actually respect ourselves, and
c.) We have to be willing to take a risk, knowing that in setting and standing by a boundary, if he isn’t willing to respect that boundary then we have to choose respecting ourselves over him – and that will very likely mean the end of the relationship.
Set the stage.
But if we let these guys know early on in the relationship what we are and aren't willing to put up with, what our deal breakers are, they will know early on what it means to have us in their lives, and that will set the stage for the whole relationship.
But in in order to start off on that note, you first have to know yourself well enough to know what you are and aren't OK with; you have to know what you don't want.
And here’s the clincher: They have to be your own.
They can’t be what your friends, parents, books, relationship experts or anyone else says is OK or not OK for your relationship.
Stand up for what you deserve.
These boundaries have to be your own so that you can feel comfortable standing up for yourself and saying what you need from him in these areas, and you have to know in your heart that you deserve it.
And that’s a real important point - you deserve to be treated the way you want to be treated and if you are steadfast on that and don’t back down just because you really, really like this guy and want him to be the one, then it might mean you have to say goodbye to him if he can’t respect that boundary.
If he can’t respect a boundary you set, it doesn’t matter what he does or how much you want to hang onto him. He’s not the guy for you if he can’t respect that you have a certain standard you've set for yourself, whether he likes it or not!
Stick up for yourself.
You might wind up the same - alone and heartbroken - either way, but if you stick to your boundaries and limits in the beginning and the relationship winds up being over closer to when it began, the difference is that you’ll still have your self-esteem and confidence intact.
You’ll have more inner strength because you stood up for what you believed in, and the way you know you deserve to be treated, and this will definitely come through when you have your next (better) relationship.
And you’ll have saved yourself a lot of wasted time and energy that you could be using with the guy who’s actually the right guy for you, the real thing, instead of hanging onto what you know in your heart is more about your dream of what this relationship could be than what it actually is today.
Because if he doesn’t respect your boundaries when you set them, he’s not going to respect you.
Thankyou!Im dealing with this now. Im older and the man says hes to old to wait,lol...he also wants me to move in and stay forever. I knew him years ago and he had a scary crazy ex that threatened me e so I left him. (shes got a bf now) . I just got out of abusive marriage bout 7 yrs ago and dated right after and dealt with this with every man, so i stopped dating bout 6 yrs ago. this is the first time Ive been out since then,and I just want to hide again. I want to put God first and believe sex is for when u have date set for marriage at least. He told me doesnt even want me to show him whats in the Bible about this,because he wants what he wants. I want to run and am going to break it off...mainly because he doesnt respect my belief......thanks so much for this article...he trys to make me feel like something is wrong with me. And it doesnt matter who right and whos wrong ,but it matters that we respect how the other person feels and not force them into something . Thank again:)
Hello, thanks for the wonderful article. I was wondering what to do if my boyfriend says he will respect my boundary, such as not talking in graphic detail about past sexual encounters, but he does so begrudgingly and says now he has to edit and/or stifle what he says, and now he cannot speak from his heart. Why is it I can speak from my heart and do not find it necessary to speak of such past encounters in detail with him? Especially since I told him I did not want to move so fast before this issue came up, and want to get to know each other better on an emotional level/mental level first, rather than get sexual so soon.
Thanks for help with this.
To Jade, he is doing this to triangulate you with his ex's. This is to make you feel like you have to be better then them and give him more than they did. This is a frequent technique used to make you try harder and give him what he wants. He is an a hole if he is doing it on purpose, and really inconsiderate if he isn't. Either way it is not good.
He hasnt met my family in the three years we are together. Everything that I do is either with his friends or his family. How do I set a boundary for myself.
By letting him know you want him to meet your family this time, Marie. If he cares about you and respects what you want and need, he'll be fine with this. If he's not, you'll know more about just how compatible the two of you really are.
Jane this was a fabulous article!!
Thank you, BRD; it was one I really, really needed myself!
This article is amazing....all ladies out there need to read it.
Thank you, Pridylonya. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one.
This has got to be one of the best articles I've ever read in regards to one of the things it takes to have a happy relationship, with a partner that treats you the way you feel that you deserve to be treated. The information is significant , true, and clearly stated. I will be saving it to share with my daughter.
Thanks for your kind words, Nadia - I'm so glad you enjoyed it.