I need your help today everyone!
A beautiful member of our community wrote me this heartbreaking letter and I want her to hear not just from me but from all of us who feel moved to say something in response to this all too familiar sentiment that we're too late, or too old or too something else. You can comment below and she'll see it on the blog.
Here's what she wrote:
Dear Jane,
I have already been told that I have missed my calling.
That I am far too old.
But I am not dead yet.
More than anything I want to sing. I have a small PA system and I'm building up a repertoire to sing on my own. But these are cover songs. But I want more than that.
I want to learn how to write songs from my heart and deliver them with passion and power. I want more than just singing other people's songs.
So... what's stopping me?
Thanks for listening Jane
Oh and by the way I am 62 this year... still young at heart and vibrant. And funny.
- Amber
You are never too old to make your dreams come true.
The only thing stopping you is you.
You are believing, what someone else, has told you., or you are telling your self.
Do you feel you have missed your calling?
Seems to me, you need to have more confidence in your passion and desire. Believe in your self and Begin.
We need your voice in the world. We need to hear the voice of 62 year old Amber because there are A LOT of people that could relate and learn from what you have to contribute. In fact more than ever we need the voice of learnt lessons, lived experience, triumphs and loss. That we can live through it all and be here to put forward the things we have learnt. I bet you have a great deal to contribute to the collective and thanks in advance for putting it out there. I look forward to hearing you sing.
Go for it!! You are not too old! Enjoy your life and sing!
Oh Amber, age is nothing but a number. Someone once said "Imagine being on your death bed, and standing around you is the ghost of the dreams, the ideas, the abilities, the talents given to you by life..That you for whatever reason, never went after them. You never acted on those ideas". How would you feel?
Right now you have everything, the PA system, the passion, the talent. All you need is the people who believe in you, we are fortunate to live in a social media world, all you need is a following, Tiktok is big right now, you can begin by posting those cover songs (that's as if you haven't done that already). Then the next stept is youtube. Trust me real people will ignite that fire inside of you, fire that will inspire you to write your own music.
I'm sorry for a lengthy paragraph, but I'm excited for you, I just wanna let you know that you've got this, forget what anyone else says and follow your passion.
P.S if you have a social media page please drop it here I'd like to follow you so I can experience your beautiful talent😍
It is never too late to be who you desire to be:-)
Dear Amber,
I'd like to know who said that to you? Frankly, that doesn't seem like someone worth their salt. My father is around your age and I wouldn't say he's old... Old for what? You said it yourself: you are alive! And singing and writing your own songs is what makes you feel joy so I would say go for it! Now! Start experimenting writing your songs, bring them to someone who's adept and who welcomes you and who can help you put them out into the world! You have nothing to lose! There must be great courses on songwriting. Try them!
Lots of love.