Our letter today comes from Penny, who got my attention with her subject like that read "Hurt and Lonely." My heart went out to her as I read her story.
Read what she wrote to me - and my response - below. Then you can tell her what you want her to know in the comments there, too.
Her Letter:
Hi Jane,
I have four grown children, just over a year apart. The 50 yr. old is the oldest. I ended up raising them alone, since the oldest was 10 yrs. old.
I had to work two full time jobs, as my ex didn't pay child support.
They all turned out good. No troubles with them. My daughter and I were especially close for years, me babysitting, etc., but then I was working full-time and also went to college at 55 yrs. old and she got a job. She has a husband and two kids, I am alone.
We had an argument in 2009 when I was under stress from my mother dying, etc. We can't seem to get it straightened out. She wants nothing to do with me and therefore I also don't see my grandchildren, who are in college.
I've asked for forgiveness, but she won't.
Whenever there is a party, the tension is unbearable. I wasn't even invited to my grandson's graduation. The youngest son was in the Navy for 20 yrs and now lives far away from me. I never hear from him either. My two oldest sons call me, but never have time to see me.
I will be 70 yrs old and my heart aches. My two sons are busy and work 6 days a week, but I am so lonely for them. The two older boys live around 25 miles away and I go to one of their houses, but the other one is single and never home, and he has kids and grandkids, his housecleaning and wash to do on his one day off.
I keep myself busy, but it hurts so bad.
I have 13 grandchildren, not all in this state, but no one comes to visit or even calls, except my two oldest son's call about once a week, but don't come. I have a little dog who keeps me company and I believe in GOD, but this ache in my heart won't go away.
I tried a dating site to meet someone, but that didn't work either.
Do you have an answer? I do play cards, go to art school, but I have no real friends that I am close to.
- Penny
My Response:
Penny, I'm so glad you stumbled on my site! I get emails from women at all stages of life, but your email touched my heart in a whole new way.
I hear your pain, your lonely heart and oh how my heart goes out to you. It doesn't matter what the specifics are, family dynamics can be so challenging with various family members feeling slighted and jilted and angry and resentful and a host of other emotions for reasons that most other members often can't even begin to understand.
I have issues with my own mother as well that aren't understood by her or by me at times, they sometimes just are. A series of past hurts and present hot buttons or triggers that bring up all kinds of baggage, sometimes subconscious, sometimes ones we realize and can work out, sometimes issues that run too deep to repair.
My point is that all these difficult family relationships seem to be a product of our culture and our times, and there really isn't any right or wrong or blame to be had.
It just is.
But it doesn't make it any easier or less grievous to go through and I really do hear just how painful it is for you. Unfortunately, we can't change other people or make them want to spend more time with us. Or come back to the table with us and talk.
Or any of that.
We can always try to work on ourselves, to try to see their point of view and soften ourselves so that they can sense our genuine love for them. But sometimes there's just too much history, too many hurts, and even being related may not be enough to bring people back together.
And sometimes we just have to find our peace in accepting what is if we cannot change it no matter how hard we try. Even if it is breaks our heart. We can try and keep trying and keep working on ourselves, but the outcome may ultimately be outside of our control.
But I do have a few suggestions for you. There is something you can do here, beginning with today.
You can begin to live a whole new life with the beautiful, wonderful, loving person that is you! You can decide right now that you are going to begin anew. Right where you are and see where this new path may lead.
First of all, I would write a letter to yourself. Tell yourself everything you love about yourself, everything that makes you beautiful and wonderful and special and unique.
Describe in detail those things that you do and those qualities you possess that give you that spring in your step, make you feel alive when you do them. It doesn't matter if you don't feel like you've got a whole lot to write about, this exercise is about lightening you up and reminding you of who you are and all the beautiful attributes you have to offer.
Secondly, I would make a list of everything you have ever wanted to do but didn't think you could, or didn't have time to do, or felt you didn't have permission to do, or were told you couldn't do for whatever reason.
It's wonderful that you are taking an art class and play cards if these are things that interest you, but there may be other things where you can meet more like minded people that you may truly enjoy.
This is your time to live, sweet Penny. This is about you! Leave nothing out as you make this list. The sky is truly the limit!
Thirdly, I would suggest volunteering for something you're passionate about. How would you change the world if you could do anything? If money was no object and if there were no limits on what you could accomplish?
How could you make a difference?
Begin there by answering those questions and see where that takes you. Where could you make that difference in the world in your community? And more importantly, what are you passionate about?
It's time to find out!
Fourthly, I'm not sure what dating services you've tried, but you may want to see if there are any other ones out there that might be better or more of a fit for what you're looking for.
Ultimately, the best place to meet other people is where you're doing things you enjoy, so you should be able to meet more men and women just by further exploring those hobbies and activities that you are interested in.
Do you have a dog park you can go to regularly? I've never met as many people from all walks of life, young and old, as when we regularly take our dogs to the local dog park. So let your sweet little doggy help you make some friends.
And the more important thing I've learned is that to have friends, you really have to be a friend. I am the first to agree that it seems harder than ever to meet genuine friends these days, but if you keep an open mind and remind yourself of all you have to offer someone in friendship, and begin by really listening and hearing what someone has to say, you may be surprised at how much easier this can all be.
Go out of your way to meet someone else's needs. Have you also thought about looking after someone else's children or grandchildren?
Just tonight, a friend and I were talking about how much we miss having our mothers closer sometimes, and that if we could just adopt a grandma, it would be so nice. So maybe you could check with some organizations like a sitter service or nanny service or church or parents organization to see whether there might be an opportunity there.
As a parent, I know just how special is can be to have the past and present generations get together to share in the joy of childhood with the knowledge and experience of age.
And what about play? What about being silly and just "playing"? What would you do if no one was watching? Do you love to dance, sing, play an instrument you haven't touched in years?
These are just some suggestions I had while meditating on your email. If anything resonates with you, explore it. If it doesn't, try it anyway, and if it still doesn't fit, then try something else. But stretch yourself in the process.
And maybe you could teach a class at a local community college. Or teach something at a church or library or other organization. What about working on a book, writing your life story or writing about something that you experienced in your life that you think could make a difference in the world?
I have found that the best antidote to loneliness is a combination of acceptance and resolve.
There's a peace that comes with accepting reality if you really have tried and can't change it, but never say never is the motto when it comes to determining to resolve to start anew and to have a fresh start living your life like never before.
You can do this, Penny, and you do so deserve the best that life and love have to offer you. Sometimes, we just have to get creative and look outside of the box to find our answers.
You are never too old to begin again, to live your life at the beginning, like the little girl inside you that you probably don't even know anymore. I coach women all the time who are seeing this for themselves and starting again - at any age!
Begin there, connecting with that sweet, beautiful little girl who can do and be whatever she wants to do and be. That's still you, deep down inside she's still that sweet little girl just waiting for her turn.
I hope this helps.
Please know you really are not alone. There is love and there are loving people all around us, we just need to see them in the unexpected ways they often occur. You deserve nothing less than this - at any age!
I'll be cheering you on from here.
Do you have anything to say to Penny? Maybe you relate to some or all of this? Let her know in the comments below!
Dear Penny,
Everything that Jane suggested was what I was going to suggest as well, especially volunteering. My mother is almost 80 years old and for the past 5 years she volunteers at our Church in their food bank ministry. At first she didn’t really want to do that but I suggested she give it a try and that she might like helping other people all the while developing new friendships. So she went ahead and tried it out and she loves it! She has made several friendships and some even outside of their volunteering time. They at times go to lunch or dinner, to the movies, or just sit at a park bench and catch up on things, go for walks, etc. I’m the 2nd of her 4 children and my siblings and I try to at least visit or do something fun with our mom . If we don’t get together we at least call her. She loves and has nurtured us and now it’s our turn to do the same for her. My mom lives by herself and she gets lonely too. But if it’s not one of her kids calling her it’s one of her new friends and I’m very thankful she had the courage to just show up and volunteer. I hope you take the time to seek out a few places where you can volunteer too. There’s a sense of satisfaction knowing you are helping others. When we give of ourselves in service, God gives us more in return. Also, pray for your children to be more aware that they have a mom who loves them and just wants to be included in their lives. Prayer is powerful. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you write back to let us know you are happy and doing well. Hugs 🤗🤗♥️
Hi, this is hard and lonely. :/
But it is great that you’ve got one son who calls you plus two grandsons who call every week, and it sounds like you can go over to one of your son’s homes at times?
It isn’t fair, but sometimes all the “work” falls on one person when it comes to calls, making plans, and visits. My husband and I are the ones who call all our various family members and the ones who visit. No one has visited us in a decade or longer. It is expensive to be the one who travels to visit plus we have to be creative re time off to do so (often flying red-eye or driving overnight) bc we both work full-time and don’t have a lot of time off (all of our time off goes to seeing family). I’m not complaining bc it is what it is and we do this so we can feel close to family and maintain and build those relationships.
I have a few suggestions: Re your daughter share yet again how much you miss her and regret both the fight and missing out so much on her and her husband and children’s lives since then. Ask if you two can have a do-over. Fresh start. But perhaps add, that if she needs it, she is free to first say /write anything and everything that is bothering her and you will just read it or listen. And let her get it all off her chest. Perhaps that will enable her to give you two a fresh start. And then close the door on the past. Or offer you two go to joint counseling together (even over the internet/via zone) if she feels that will help.
Re your single son, if you are not working or as busy anymore, but only if he wouldn’t mind, perhaps offer to go to his house one evening, every other week to make dinner and enjoy that together. Or ask him possibly once a month, he could meet you for dinner one evening after work or for lunch or early am coffee or late afternoon coffee or a walk (and you will drive to meet him or can meet halfway, whatever works better for him). Whatever would fit into his busy schedule.
Regarding grandchildren, also ask if they can meet for breakfast, brunch, lunch, coffee once a month or every eight or twelve weeks. If they live rather far, possibly consider a visit to the area and ask to get together briefly during your visit , or meet for a dinner one evening, a lunch another time, or invite them to join you to visit an exhibit or fair or anything that you might sight-see while there, or go to a movie together. Explain you know they are busy but happy to see them around their schedule, whatever works.
A little get together even for coffee with one , even if it only once every 12 weeks, but multiplied by doing the same with all the others might add up to feeling more like you have a life full of family.
It is Not fair that all the work on this falls on you, but hopefully it will be an investment worth making and they might even eventually start to reciprocate.
I wish you well because we know how it feels in a way and it would be lovely if for once we could just relax at home or save some money, and others call or visit. But one day, especially when we can’t anymore, perhaps then they will. In the meantime, the effort/stress/costs are worth it to us to see them and feel closer in hopes we do not lose that connection with them.
Also, Jane’s ideas, as always, are spot on. Find a few passions or silly fun or deep interests and pursue that and you’ll meet some wonderful people that will only add to your life! And it might turn into something that you could invite a family member to join you on.
Penny, I truly empathize with you and know the feeling.
Our dear friend here has given you the best advise. It takes effort & motivation yet it can be done. Trust me!😊