Are you doing it again?
Waiting for someone to change?
Waiting for someone to find you?
Waiting for someone to make it all better?
It's okay. There's no shame in admitting if you're here. I've been here. Most of the women I coach have been here before. It's my own default place.
You don't even realize you're doing it.
You're waiting.
For a miracle. For a hand to hold. For a heart that understands. For the world to change.
For something to breathe life back into you.
Can you do one thing for me - for you?
Stop waiting. Stop believing you have to or you'll miss it.
You won't.
There's something I want you to do instead.
Start moving.
Get up earlier. Set your alarm before you actually have to get out of bed and write down ONE thing you're going to do today that's the antithesis - the opposite - of waiting around for life to happen to you.
Mine is getting out early in the morning and taking my dogs for a walk before the day gets started around me. For my personality type - I/ENFP - I have an extroverted and an introverted side to me - I start out with my head already in the clouds, so I need to do something active to ground myself.
And it does!
PS I'll see you in the morning!
I once waited...for all that you mentioned. But mostly, I waited for that man to bring me happiness...to tell me I was his everything...to take care of me...without any of that, life still kept going by, but I continues to wait. I don't do this anymore. The one I waited for I was married to for 23 years before separation. Then I divorced him. Once discovering the "online dating phenomena" I began to realize I had become different...I had lost interest in what was being offered...the same old approach from men, that once made me feel excitement and happiness and wanted. I realized the depths of how much and what I had changed. So at some point on my journey, I found my way, without waiting, without needing what I already had all along. I went through job changes until I found what worked for me (money, hours, industry), I approached life with thought, but thought that created my new found self worth to have confidence and drive. I wrote a book. (It's being published as I write this). I discovered a new found interest in different music genres...I stay committed to.my workouts at my.local gym...and I do all of this without "waiting" to feel good, or loved or wanted. Now, I have met someone who is a male version of me. He is healthy, focused and knows what he wants. He respects my independence and me. He doesn't make me wait...he's available all around (refreshing concept). Strangely enough, I actually feel different with him. I don't feel like I once did with a man. I can stay true, voice how I feel and know that he will be there, and if he chooses not to be, I'm ok with that too. I know I really like him, I enjoy talking with him and time together. Maybe this is what "healthy" looks like. I just know that in all aspects of my life, I will never again simply wait. I would rather keep finding my happiness through the life I choose to live and apparently, it has guided me to better days.
Thanks Jane,
Loretta Anne
Thank you Loretta - for sharing your beautiful, inspiring journey with me. You've figured out the secret and very apparently it's guided you to better days! I'm so happy for you! ❤