One of these days, Beautiful, you're going to get up enough nerve to finally do that thing you keep telling yourself you can't do. That thing you think you're not good enough to do. That thing that you think someone else will always be able to do better than you.
And you're going to go be that person you've always thought could only be someone else.
You're going to stop looking in the mirror so critically at everything you think you have to change first. You're going to stop looking at all those milestones someone arbitrarily decided for you.
And you're going to choose your own goals and plans and dreams instead of waiting to see if you can get enough approval for your own.
You can't do this with someone breathing over you (either figuratively or literally) telling you who you are or what you're supposed to be.
You can't do this as long as you inherently believe everyone else holds so much more value than how valuable you believe yourself to be.
You can't do this if you're taking your queues and your scripts from what someone else is telling you to say and do.
So what if you mess up?
That's your real worst fear, isn't it? That's where all this pressure you keep talking about comes from that no one else understands.
What if they're right, all those people from your past? What if everyone really does know so much better than you? What if you try and you fail, or what if you're wrong, or what if you lose what you've been holding onto so tightly to make sure they don't have anything to come back with?
Go ahead and mess up.
Go ahead and take that risk that someone might laugh at you, criticize you, shake that shaming finger at you, tell you everything you should have done instead so you can back safely into that little cocoon you've built around yourself because everything's more predictable that way.
Or take a chance on you for a change. Or risk that someone thinks you're too much or too forward or too direct or too whatever else you're so afraid of having mentioned anywhere near you, lest you become what someone else thinks you are.
You're going to be too much for everyone who got used to who you were, and was served so well by you staying exactly where you were.
Oh, Beautiful, can't you see what you're doing to yourself?
All these fears are keeping you from exactly what you want! As long as you're believing you can never be something you really want to be, you're going to keep trying to find that in someone who already became that and has no interest in you living vicariously through them.
They're not the ones who'll want you. They're not the ones who'll let you in. They're not the ones who want to share those parts of themselves for you to live off them too.
Forget what you've always been. Forget how far out of your comfort zone you've ever allowed yourself to be.
Life opens up and grants you your three wishes when you become the genie yourself. When you stop waiting around for someone to give it to you and you decide you're worth claiming what you want for yourself and start devising a plan with real practical steps to make that happen, it'll happen.
Not in spite of you like you're so used to making your story about. No, this one you'll take all the credit for yourself because it will be BECAUSE of you!
Make it about that, not the pressure that keeps you staying exactly where you are because you're so afraid they're right. Got this? Good!
How about you, Gorgeous? What do you feel pressure about doing or being? Share your story with us in the comments!
Jane, I can't tell you how timely this is. I was just thinking about it this morning. I'm constantly worrying about what others think, say, judging me and what I do. It is time to take the pressure off and be me, make my decisions by what is best for me and stop trying to always please everyone else first. Selfish? Maybe but it's time to free me and be who I can be.
Thank you so much. It amazes me how you always write the exact things I need to hear.
It's only selfish if you believe the selfish programming we were conditioned with through our fear of being shamed, Julia. Lose that fear, gain your whole life. Feeling every word you wrote here. ❤
About finishing my marriage and moving on
Sounds like you've found what you needed to, Margie. Glad you're here.
What does this mean? I’m confused. Are you talking about a job, relationship, hobbies. I do always let relationships define me so I’m working on that. Is that what you mean? Most of my dreams are of travel with someone special.
All of it
What does his mean? Does this mean in work, relationships, what? I’m confused yet it speaks to me.