I've heard all about your disappointments this week. All those things just getting started, now put on hold. People you just met, relationships just begun, plans you just made, now thrown for a curve.
It's hard to feel hopeful when all you feel is an undercurrent of uncertainty.
I hear you. And I see you.
Can you tear yourself away from the rest of the world and the never-ending breaking news cycle for just a moment, and come with me to a different place?
This is temporary. No matter how heavy it feels.
As unpredicatable as it is. As scary as it can feel. As permanent as it seems only right now.
All those beautiful dreams and plans are only on a temporary pause, Beautiful.
There will be another side to all of this.
I know it's hard.
I know it's so disappointing.
I know it's painful in so many practical and emotional ways.
But just like everything else we've been through together, we're going to get through this, too. And when we do, all those dreams and plans that have been put on hold, they'll all be waiting for you on the other side of this even better than you'll remember them.
As much as your fears try to tell you otherwise, this is just a temporary pause in life where we can all come together and do our part for the greater good.
I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We'll walk through this together.
There's something healing about sharing our disappointments and our paused plans and anything else we're going through right now, and realizing we're not alone in this. Share them here in the comments below or send me an email. I'm here for you.
Hello Jane,
Thanks for the uplifting words 🙂 I personally never thought that in my lifetime something like this would happen. I am 31 years old and I pretty much thought we were on the Capitalism train forever. We may still be, but this feels like there may be some wiggle room for change. I remember when I was little I asked my friend's dad, "Is the world going to end?" and he replied, "Not in your lifetime." I went on with my life, however, I have always felt like what we're doing isn't really working. This mass production, mass exploitation, mass extraction, of resources. I don't think that this turn of events is in any way palpable since thousands of humans are dying everyday. I didn't think this was how things would ever go down. I believe maybe we all were thrown off by Covid's arrival. On the other side, I got hit with a not so serious but pretty heartbreaking situation which is that I have just met someone I fell in love with. We met in October of 2019, and he proposed and things went fast from there. However, he is from Australia, I am living in Florida. He's already back home and I had a ticket to visit him in May, which has now been postponed due to the virus. I haven't really celebrated being engaged, and as the days go by, even though we talk everyday on Facebook Messenger, it feels a little less hopeful. I had a past traumatic relationship about 7 years ago, which is the reason I first subscribed to your site. Your words helped me realize my worth again and little by little I've been rebuilding over the years. I've been really ready for love for a couple of years now and when I found this guy I knew he was something special, he felt it too. So now I am waiting to see what happens while my new love is on the other side of the planet. There is nothing to solve, but to wait in quarantine, wash my hands, and be creative with this in between time. It feels really good to write this out 🙂 Thank you for making the space.
All the best,
Aidan 🙂
Thank you for checking in Jane. I'm finding this unsettling, feeling anxious, unsure, but aren't we all? I'm finding it's a good time for us to find ways to be productive that are creative, tapping deep inside of us instead of looking outside for entertainment, and realizing how many things we become so dependent on and take for granted now that we can't do them or use them.
My hope is we all come out of this (and we will), stronger and softer, with more awareness of each other and what others need. So many people hurting now, I'm grateful I still have a job.
Plans are on hold, some more painful than others but it gives us something to look forward to and plan for the future ahead of us.
Stay well everyone!
I tell you it's like you're reading my mind I needed to hear those uplifting words because I've met a really great guy Godly Man works but work is hard with everything going on and today he just seems distance so I made a comment that I would not text or call so much understand who busy had a lot going on I just didn't know if you went out of town to work and blah blah blah and he just text back no I'll text you in a little bit is this I hate those days it kind of like throw you off but I'm cleaning then I read this and then I'll probably going to go read my Bible and maybe a book try to stay occupied but thank you Jane. You help more then you know because I don't have no friends here where I live and really no one to talk to that's why I guess I clean two guys when they do when I do find someone interesting and I feel like I messed up by smothering them
I have a lot to say about this. What I have discovered in my years is that when we pause and watch, listen and think about the steps we are about to take, the ultimate steps are different than what we had originally imagined. It is kind of like a large cauldron full of a stew of sorts. It is best to let that stew.... stew, and the end result is more mature, flavorful and tasty... it is all a one step at a time, one day at a time process with anything, and in the end the result is exactly as it should be... Acceptance!
Ok FYI just so you know. I’m in a great place. Everything happens for a reason , I’m in no way down, my heart goes out to all the people who are ill are all in my prayers. I thank you for your concern. I hope all is well with you. I am learning each day to live in the -now- and take life as it unfolds, one thing at a time.
Blessings to you ~ stay safe ❤️
Yes we're in this together and will re-up our dreams and goals after this has passed.
Thank you for your encouraging words ❤️