Wherever the old year finds you tonight, wherever the new year finds you tomorrow, promise me you'll remember one thing.
You have nothing to prove.
Not to anyone, and especially not to the ones you think you do.
The ones who want you will want you.
The ones who like you will like you.
And the ones who love you will absolutely love you - just the way you are!
Your work is only to learn how to tell the difference so that you never, EVER have to go through any more heartbreak like you've already been through. Because it's been enough already.
We're not talking about a few minor tweaks, we're talking about the essence of you!
Never forget that part, Beautiful.
Now go out there and ring in the New Year remembering all that you are and all that you have to offer just by being you. No one does you like you do - and that's a beautiful thing!
Happy New Year.
Wherever you are in the world tonight, I'd love to hear from you. Let me know where you are tonight in the comments below!
I don't really know who you are??
But l began reading your emails
Is it a spiritual message of general message?
Please confirm
After all l since your gifted with things no one else has right?
Happy New Year to you too, Jane! Thank u 4 including me! I feel that your personal touch with having us respond is comforting! I'm 2 1/2 yrs w/o my soulmate of 34 yrs. I thought I was a good judge of character, but as I am in my late 50's & I find myself suspicious of others! I figure I'm just not secure within myself, so.....help please!
Happy new year to you too Jane and all the lovely ladies here.
Your post came at the right time as I've decided to give up the search and focus on me this year instead, I know it won't be easy, but I know with your support and that of these lovely ladies here it will be doable!
Thank you for the email you're so right I'm going to be maybe and I'm going to be accepted for my special self my specials Solon heart I'm going to prosper and I won't find love in 2020 is going to be the year of Brenda Hart Daddy like you said I'm tired of heartbreak I'm tired of cheating and lies I talked into three people now and I want to know which one is being true to me they all want a serious relationship and one proposed to me on New year's Eve I'm so scared and I just love peace and harmony it's so much passion
Clarity, Brenda. Focus on where you want to be and what that looks like for you. Start there. Happy New Year to you!
Thank you and Happy New year to you too
Thank you, Cassandra. I wish you all the love in the world!
I am asking for the wisdom , strength, and courage to know myself, and accept myself,and take care of my heart, I have found and reclaimed my joy I am so grateful that I can depend on your support, Happy new year.
Always, Olive. There's so much beauty and truth in your words. Hold them in your beautiful heart. You're a gem!
I think 2020is the year of my comeback and I will find love and prosperity. I'm in love with 2 men and I need a decision. One is preveen lives in Washington DC and his bday is April 10. The other man is Henry Miles and lives in Mississippi. I'm. A virgo bday August 25 1960. Help give me clarity to my future husband
I spent the midnight part alone for the first time in my life. I felt proud of myself for being willing to do that rather than force myself into a situation that wouldn't have felt right, but it was lonely. Especially not to have him in my life to spend it with. I did cry, and I've cried a lot today (here in the UK we've already had New Year's Day). I miss him so much and it's still so hard to see a future ahead of me.
Proud of you, too, Clairey! The feelings are the last to go; the focus on ourselves and especially those things we can do to feel proud of ourselves are what show us the new light of day. One new thing at a time. The future will come and you'll realize it came whether you could see it or not. Life again will be a beautiful thing.
Thank you Jane, I appreciate hearing this.
Am super excited about this new year. Thnx alot Jane for all we have to learn from you.am here enjoying and cheering on the first midnight of the year.love u..
Kampala,Uganda Africa is my home
Then Happy New Year all the way to Uganda! Wishing you love and joy and peace today and every day. May you find it within yourself first!
Thank-you! For giving me confidence!
Oh Susie, that's my greatest hope for all of us. The confidence to know and accept and embrace ourselves for all that we are and all that we have the potential to be! Thank you, sweet soul!
Thank you Happy New Year
And the same to you, Shirley. Find those dreams, those hopes, those beautiful plans for you!
Happy New Year
Thank you, Gloria. Happy New Year to you, too!
Home watching tv
Did you make it til midnight? I rarely can unless I'm out. 🙂
Happy New year
I was at home watching my pastor preach.
I can take on all things this year will bring... The ups, downs and my goals through my Faith in God.
Thanks for helping me grow to getting true ❤️ 2020
Anytime, Ericka. So glad you have a faith so strong within you!
I've made every mistake in the book!!! I've recently made some changes and thought it was working. I stopped texting, calling multiple times per day, so when I saw him at work over the weekend, he was very attentive and asking ",are you mad at me??". I told him I wasn't mad at him. He called the other night after work and asked me over, I thought "wow! He is coming around" so I went to see him. Big mistake, turned out to be a booty-call only, in fact he was almost rude at times! He used to be the sweetest man, now he acts like an unfeeling robot.
It's all important information we need to have so we can see for ourselves, Geneva. We won't take anyone's word for it until we have our own. Don't be too hard on yourself. We believe until they show us that one last time when we finally see who they've revealed themselves to be. Yes, almost rude at time - there's such a theme there. From sweet to cold and unfeeling, almost rude - it's a projection when they realize who they are and who they're not. You reveal him to himself without even intending to and then he reacts this way to save face.
I'm working til 7a.m. 1/1/2020, i live in central Illinois. Right now my love life is in the middle of confusion. He loves me 1 min and the next min,. Its he wants me time how am i suppose to figure this out.
Figure out what you want, Betty. When we're with confused men, the only way to end the confusion is to not be confused ourselves. What does he do then with your clarity? He reveals himself this way. When you know what you want and what you can and can't live with, your answers become clear. It's choosing ourselves first that's the biggest obstacle as we're so used to looking to him, to everyone except ourselves. Thanks for staying up for us doing whatever it is you do. 🙂
Hi I decided to stay home my heart is so heavy I couldn't help but look at the guy I had been datings FB and he posted pics laughing and having a good time ... It hurt alot I'm not gonna lie....I feel so angry that he can just act like nothing ...
That's so hard to see, Iris. I think you've brought all of us back to our own memories of this. And that ability to act like it's nothing? That's how you know you've got someone emotionally unavailable. The question is, do you really want someone for the long term who could think of you like this?
I’m in Louisiana listening to the neighbors popping fireworks while trying to calm my little dog down because she’s terrified of the noise.
To be honest I’m so happy this past decade is over and I’m ready for a beautiful, magical and positive new decade to start right now.
Happy New Year to you also🎉🎉🎉
Aw, sweet little dog. That's so scary for them. Sounds like you're a sweet dog mama, Pam. So glad you've found closure in the official end of a year. Here's to that beautiful, magical and positive new decade for you with all the love you deserve!
Happy New Year.. I am home...to bring in the New Year.
There's no place like home, Lela. Happy Beautiful New Year to you!
Thank you Jane it like you knew what is going in my life, my boyfriend disappeared out of the blue and he blocked me in whatsapp and in text s, your advice are really accurate with what is going on in my life. May the lord bless you every day 🙏🙏🙏 and happy new year to you too 🎉🎉🎉
Struggling trying to believe what you say but how to start? Started journaling this week. Anxious for change in myself 🙏🏻
Journaling is a great start, Kelley. Pick one thing, one area you want to focus on, one thing you want to see different. Don't get overwhelmed with all the pieces of this and all the things you want to see different. Just one at a time. Do the next thing that comes to mind. And trust yourself in the process. You can always circle back if someone else calls to you! Anxiety is a sign we're in the wrong place or with the wrong people and need to make a change. Be so proud of yourself for recognizing this is what it's been trying to tell you!
Thankingbyou for those lovely words of truth and LOVE forever in my gratitude book 💖🤪🌹🙏
Aw, thank you, Val. Happy Beautiful New Year to you!
I am sitting at home alone once again, just like Christmas Eve and Christmas. Not meaning to have a pity party, but being married, am now separated, has kept me away from friends for several reasons. I know 2020 will be better because I know God has me.
Sounds like it's a difficult place to be socially, Debbie. My heart goes out to you. Knowing God has you is a beautiful thing.
I live in Iowa, Happy new year!
Happy New Year in Iowa, Angie. Love hearing where you're from. I wish you a beautiful new year!
San Carlos Mexico Sailing with people that love me
Sounds wonderful, Sam! Especially the part about being with people that love you.
Hello Jane,thank you so much for your uplifting pep talk tonight.I needed it and with that being said I'm at home tonight with family bringing in the new year.I have dwelled on my heart break for 2019 today and have decided it's time to let go.This is where I leave it.Now on to 2020 where I hope to find true love and my fairytale ending. Happy New Year!I look forward to learning more from you in 2020!
Then here's to you and letting go of what no longer serves you, Tonya. Happy Beautiful New Year to you!
I'm in ga and I'm just sitting around rocking my son and worried about all that's going on in my life 😭😭
Hold him close, Lashuna. Children are are reminders of all that's right in the world. They bring us back to the here and now in the moment. One day at a time. Do what you need to do with the light you have from here. We can't see too far down the road until we get to the next part. Don't take that part on yourself tonight.
The day is always a decisive milestone, from year to year. A day of reflection and also recommitment to tenacity in pursuing the dreams and goals of a young girl's heart, but with a mature woman's body and mind. The year has been a very sad and difficult one, with so many losses and failures. To look forward with steadfast hope, is preferable to grieving what cannot be changed about the past. I have had to learn how to accept what I cannot change, as hard as that is sometimes. Tonight, safe at home, I find peaceful rest with my journal and books and a hot cup of tea. Alone, but at peace.
Alone but at peace is a special kind of place for our ever-feeling hearts sometimes, Leslie. You've articulated this balance beautifully - the little girl with her innocent dreams and the maturity of a more experienced soul. I hope you keep in touch. I wish you a new year full of people and places with the capacity to see you for the beautiful soul you are. We need more of these just like you.
Happy New Year! I didn’t think I would be spending this evening alone. My husband passed away 4 years ago, colon cancer. I met an amazing guy 8 months ago, well... he was amazing for 6 months... lol. Haven’t seen or heard from him for 2 months... nothing.. no reason... no excuse... just stopped .
I don’t feel bad for myself... I’ve been through worse....I feel sad for him ...
Have a safe, healthy & happy New Year!
Hearing you, Julie. So glad you can see this and him for what they are. Wishing you the same, Beautiful soul! So sorry for your loss.
Sitting at home saline with my kids watching a movie we rented..wondering and heart broke over a guy who wont text me bk and wont tell me what he wonts and I've tried everything.
Oh my heart goes out to you, Stephanie. Could it be you're the one who knows him better than he knows himself?
Hi and thank you very much I appreciate you saying that .I'm in my Florence Alabama apartment with My Love My Boyfriend Ed . I hope you have a very Happy New Year. May the heavens above watch and protect you and give you everything you need
Love Me
What beautiful words, Pamela. Thank you. Ed's a lucky guy to have an angel like you!