I'm realizing I need to share more of these stories with you.
Real stories of other women just like you, finding your way here because my messages about your worth and your value resonated with you.
Real stories of happy endings, like the one you can't see when you're in the middle of what you're going through right now.
If you haven't already figured this out, I'm not just about getting a guy; I'm about finding yourself, finding your worth - finding your value - and from there, creating a life for yourself that includes you finding the guy you've been looking for all along.
That's what happens when you find yourself first. When you change your focus to you, away from him, the unexpected - the seemingly impossible at the time - always finds you.
That's what happened for Lynn.
She sent me this message the other day that I've been meaning to share with you.
To give you hope. To remind you you're not alone. To show you what's still in store for you.
She gave me permission to share her words here:
"Jane, just got your recent email and wanted to say thank you!!!!! I did your program last year and had a phone call with you, which were both so valuable.
I found your program when the universe was screaming "worth" and "value" to me ...and I got crystal clear on my worth and value...like a veil lifted and now I can see it so clearly! Your program was so instrumental and came at the perfect time.
I broke off the old relationship right after we spoke (a relationship that created a lot of questions and anxiety in me), grieved a little, and then (with the new-found clarity) just really started enjoying being me. I was so happy and content and clear.
And then, unsuspecting and certainly not looking, I met Dave.
It is the first relationship that I don't feel anxious, questioning, wondering. I feel clear, secure, happy--but it's all sourced from me (and God!!) and he's just the icing!
He loves that I'm strong, secure and authentic...what a pleasure to just BE and enjoy him just being him.
Also, he just bought my engagement ring and wedding band! I'm excited but it just all makes sense. Thank you for your program, our discussion, and your lovely lovely message to women at all stages of their journey♡.
Thank you, Lynn"
The tears flow when I get messages like hers.
It's so familiar. The questioning of our worth when no one seems to want us enough to make the effort, the wondering what's wrong with us, wondering if there's any value at all left in us. And then the epic love story that began like any ordinary day.
No matter how many years I've left those feelings behind, they're never far from my memory. They're why I celebrate with Lynn and so many others like her.
Because when you've been there, you understand the journey. You know what's behind those beautiful smiling faces in the pictures on social media of someone else getting engaged, getting married. You know what they went through to get there. And what they went through was worth everything to get them to where they are now.
And you know something else? This isn't just someone else's story. This is going to be your story, too. Because just like Lynn never thought she'd be the one with the letter showing up in my inbox with her engagement announcement, I know that one of these days, I'm going to be hearing the same thing from you!
Did I miss you? I'd love to share your inspiring story, too. Share it in the comments below or send me an email and I'll include your story to inspire us all in one of my future emails!
What is most frustrating to hear is the cliche - you deserve better. This never helps anyone who has endured a broken heart. Easy to say but when your heart feels something else hard to endure. May he said lets take our relationship to the next level. June he says i need time and space to get my crap together. Two days ago he says by chance i met a woman and it was in my face I wasn't looking it just happened. I have no idea where it will go and what will come but I need to find out.